You are so desperate , aren't you. Look at how many innocent people are murdered in Syria and countries around the world.
For comparison, how many people are desperately attempting to go study and find work in the western World? Very bad tactic to divert real problems from your face. Go finish eating your dog soup.
ທ່ານ John Nonlen ຊ່ອຍບອກໃຫ້ຂ້ານ້ອຍຮູ້ແດ່ວ່າປະເທດໃດແດ່ທີ່ເປັນຫົວເມືອງຂຶ້ນຂອງອາເມຣິກາ? ຖ້າທຽບອາເມຣິກາໃສ່ກັບໂຊວຽດ ໃຜເປັນນັກລ່າເມືອງຂຶ້ນທີ່ຍິ່ງໃຫຍ່. ຂອບໃຈ
Americ is hoo khee of the planet and you're definitely one of khee khaa hubsai xontiin hookhee Americ!
Stop being jealous. You are the hoo khee of dog eaters, so you are dog eater. Go back to your own homeland and tell your dog eating people to stop sending thousands of their brightest students to study in America, and stop begging America to come back to invest and to build US base in Vietnam.
Why don't you be courageous enough to first take care of your biggest pile of garbages that you have under your nose before you accuse others. Stop attempting to cover up your problems and pointing your finger somewhere else.
Don't even pretend that you have the ability to suggest to others to open their eyes and become more educated when you yourself decide to shut your eyes and turn into another bitter Al qaida member.
Anyway, I support Edward Snoden to disclose what America have been doing and people in the world will be aware how bad USA. ****!
Sir John Hoo Khee,
I have a word for Sir John Hoo Khee and the rest of an allies outrage by alleged NSA spying on their leaders. Please grow up, including you Sir John Hoo Khee.
Does NSA spy on their allies leaders ? Probably. Do the EU leaders spy on their allies including USA ? Yes probably. they just don't have the resources or capability to spy as effectively as the NSA does. But if they did, they would.
Please don't bother denying it for them Sir John Hoo Khee.
Have you ever heard this statement before ?
We have no eternal allies, we have no perpetual enemies . you kno what that mean...
As for the USA, their interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is their duty to follow.
In the pursuit of their interests, all states need as much information as possible about the actions and even harder to fathom the intentions of other states. even or perhaps especially those with whom they're allied at the moment... Grow up Sir John Hoo Khee.
There's pretty much no state on whose automatic loyalty you can count, Ok Sir John...
Witness how their close allies French refused to support the Iraq war but took the lead in Mali. or how Germany chose to sit out Iraq but participated in Afghanistan. and that's only looking at security policy, and economic policy is also big deal. See that Sir John...
So let me asking you this question ? Do you think North Vietnamese do not spy on PDR government how they're thinking about Vietnam ? Do you think PDR government do not spy on Thailand ? do you think Thailand do not spy on you ?