you're not gonna make that much money in saving and checking in today Banking because all over the world interest rate is very low. so you gotta have alots of money to make some money, understand what i'm saying.
if you wanna make big money , put it in stock market...
I understand what you are saying and totally agree with your statements. My big portion of money is also now investing in the Thai stock market.
I asked this question not because I want that hugh return. But rather because I want to find some bank that can provide me liquidyity while I'm staying in Vientiane.
I understand what you are saying and totally agree with your statements. My big portion of money is also now investing in the Thai stock market.
I asked this question not because I want that hugh return. But rather because I want to find some bank that can provide me liquidyity while I'm staying in Vientiane.
Don't Lao have a few Thai Banks in Laos ? Why don't you check it out ? I think is more safe for you to do business with them don't you think ?