Mr.Webmaster, first, thanks for allow us to post as "Anonymous".
Lately, there are people posting inappropriate photo(s): ຮູບປະເປືອຍ ເຫັນໂຄຍ ເຫັນຫີ
ຮູບສີ້ກັນ. I do not think you like to see them in this webboard, do you ?
I would like to help you deleting these photos.
Or, you can post in here, asking for volunteer(s), if you don't think I'm the right one.
The volunteer(s), will have access to your webboard, like the webmaster and strickly
doing the deleting: ຮູບປະເປືອຍ ເຫັນໂຄຍ ເຫັນຫີ ຮູບສີ້ກັນ ຮູບໂປ້ ຮູບລາມົກ...
You, and only you must set the rule(s) for the volunteer(s) what to do and not to do.
You must be a busy man or woman, and don't have time(s) to check every posts in here.
I believe there is someone in here would like to help, and make this webboard a pleasant
place to visit for all our Lao people.
Thank you,
Anonymous wrote:Mr.Webmaster, first, thanks for allow us to post as "Anonymous".Lately, there are people posting inappropriate photo(s): ຮູບປະເປືອຍ ເຫັນໂຄຍ ເຫັນຫີຮູບສີ້ກັນ. I do not think you like to see them in this webboard, do you ?I would like to help you deleting these photos.Or, you can post in here, asking for volunteer(s), if you don't think I'm the right one.The volunteer(s), will have access to your webboard, like the webmaster and stricklydoing the deleting: ຮູບປະເປືອຍ ເຫັນໂຄຍ ເຫັນຫີ ຮູບສີ້ກັນ ຮູບໂປ້ ຮູບລາມົກ...You, and only you must set the rule(s) for the volunteer(s) what to do and not to do. You must be a busy man or woman, and don't have time(s) to check every posts in here.I believe there is someone in here would like to help, and make this webboard a pleasantplace to visit for all our Lao people. Thank you,ຜູ້ຫວັງດີ
a good man on the board..hopefully the webmaster would accept your nice help!!
Are you kidding me Mr. Anonymous?
Come to talk to me in Canada o.k. I'm waiting for you.
Welcome to the real World.
Samakomlao Web-Master.
ເປັນຕາຢ້ານເນາະ .....
I aggree with you , who used to post the porn or xxx pictures should warning him, if he still continue post must be ban his IP
Anonymous wrote:Are you kidding me Mr. Anonymous? Come to talk to me in Canada o.k. I'm waiting for you.Welcome to the real World. Samakomlao Web-Master.
ມັນເປັນໂຕແທ້ ຫລື ໂຕປອມນີ້?
I can't allow someone to manage my forum board
because I am afriad that, if someone takes care, the Laos govt would blame me
..."ມັນເປັນໂຕແທ້ ຫລື ໂຕປອມນີ້?"...
ໂຕປອມ ພີ່ນ້ອງ...ໂຕແທ້ ຈະມີ logo ທຸງຊາດ ສປປລ
I just want to add a little more:
The volunteer(s), and the webmaster had to develop good relationship.
They've got to know each other through email, phone #, real names and physical address.
The volunteer(s) had to adhere to strick guidelines that the webmaster gives to him or her.
These are only some examples.
Remember that, the purpose is to catch and delete any inappropriate photo(s).
NO intention to BAN anybody.
And, this is only to try to help the Webmaster, when he does not have time.
This is (only) my 2kips....I wish nothing more than a nice and pleasant Lao website to visit
and exchange pleasant thought and ideas with other Lao folks . That's it.
Thanks for reading,
.ໂຕແທ້ ຈະມີ logo ທຸງຊາດ ສປປລ
samakomlao wrote:I can't allow someone to manage my forum boardbecause I am afriad that, if someone takes care, the Laos govt would blame me Webmaster.
ເວບມາສເຕີ້ຂອງເວບພາສາລາວແຕ່ຂຽນພາສາລາວບໍ່ເປັນ ????
ຄືບໍ່ປ່ຽນຊື່ເວບຊະໃໝ່ວ່າ ຄົນລາວບໍ່ມີພາສາ
ຢູ່ທາງເທິງນັ້ນ ບໍ່ແມ່ນ ທ່ານ ເວັບມາສເຕີ....
Anonymous wrote:samakomlao wrote:I can't allow someone to manage my forum boardbecause I am afriad that, if someone takes care, the Laos govt would blame me Webmaster. ເວບມາສເຕີ້ຂອງເວບພາສາລາວແຕ່ຂຽນພາສາລາວບໍ່ເປັນ ???? ຄືບໍ່ປ່ຽນຊື່ເວບຊະໃໝ່ວ່າ ຄົນລາວບໍ່ມີພາສາ
I lost my Password and lost my mind, I cant figure out how to type in Lao, dude