Next time don't use such a deceiving title for your thread. It reveals your inner personality to others.
Honestly ask whether others have pics from Miss Lao contest to share. Otherwise, it's called irresponsibility.
it s better than someone shout at you and say, go to F yourselft..right
Oh, NO, educated people will never do that. Only people who have personal psychological problems and a low self-esteem would show such a behavior to others.
this is the result as we see the unconstructive comments on samakomlao. how come the webmaster allows those anonymous to post. if i was web admn i would reset the forum,only rigistered would allow to post and comment. so that anyone would respect each other.
don,t worry about your member,it doesn,t matter to have less comment,but we have the constructive post and comment and respect each other,this is lao culture,respectfulness is very important.