Please don't be assume that majority of the Thais are protested the Sayabuly dam, only few who works or got pay by NGO that come to protested. and the majorities of protesters don't even kno what exactly cases the global warming.
as for the Dam, Lao has the final say, nobody else... Lao gotta do what Lao gotta do for the sake of the country and it people...
you people , Lao, Thai, Vietnam and Cambodian were stupid for many many years to the Chinese in the North. they the one that built the many Dams that blocked the main river flow. they control the Mekong river, as for all of you people kno that in the raining season you guys always got flood all over the places especially the low lying area like Thailand because when Chinese reaching full water storage capacity and they have to release all those water down to downstream countries.
Wake up, you lao, Thai, Vietnam and cambodia.......
Why you keep bringing Thai protest the dam when both Vietnam and Cambodia also protest? For the large majority of Thai people, they don't care at all. They know they need power for the development of their country. Besides, it's a Thai company that will fund the dam's construction.
Why you keep bringing Thai protest the dam when both Vietnam and Cambodia also protest? For the large majority of Thai people, they don't care at all. They know they need power for the development of their country. Besides, it's a Thai company that will fund the dam's construction.