Too bad... it is not near ASEM convention center... no ASEM representatives will go to that area so there is no need to fix it.. it is not necessary...
Lao government fix roads to show off ASEM .. not because of people's difficulty
for repair or re-construct (pave with cement) this road.the
He doesn't care!!!!! even if he did.... it's not all up to him to make a decision on this matter. He's only a middle man of Puk & Lut.
As matter of fact, he has to order everything within a framework of Puk & Lut. Also, I don't see anything wrong on that road there, because pa sa sone
Lao saen dee jai thi mee Puk & Lut num pa. If u need the road to be paved infront of your residence, you have to pitch in bunch of money. Lao pple, they
love the road like that. That's why they buy Vigo, Pick up, suv and off road etc...they never heard compact sedan or luxury sedan. Loves Vigo so much....
and they said Lao is civilized/developed already.....Lao jalurn sa sone yu dee mee sook....but the road in the capital city still suckssss.
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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
Too bad... it is not near ASEM convention center... no ASEM representatives will go to that area so there is no need to fix it.. it is not necessary...
Lao government fix roads to show off ASEM .. not because of people's difficulty