1. Worry the most is the well being of Lao people that Lao people will be the second class citizen and be the minority of our own country near future.
2. Worry about when Lao people will have the human being right, the right to vote for our own president and prime minister
, the right to talk about the truth and equal opportunity.
3.Worry about when Lao people will have good living condition and out of poverty which is good jobs, good education system, good medical system, good justice system one and for all and no body above the law and the constitution one and for all.
4. Worry about when Lao people will have the well highly educated leader and government who will be able to drag Lao nation out from the shi t hole .
You worry too much ,just let it be .
Just worry about how to bring the food on the table for your family dude. Don't worry about Laos and Laotian , they have been surviving for almost 4 decades.
We knew that longtime ago brother, We even knew that Sahai Khamthay let his family rule Southern laos. Sahai Sisawat Keobounphanh run the North like SiengKho and Samneu.Sahai Lengsavat run Northeast like Luang Phabang, Luang Namtha and Udomsay. see that, this how they the commies rules the Laos and keep lying to their own people...
1. Worry the most is the well being of Lao people that Lao people will be the second class citizen and be the minority of our own country near future.
2. Worry about when Lao people will have the human being right, the right to vote for our own president and prime minister
, the right to talk about the truth and equal opportunity.
3.Worry about when Lao people will have good living condition and out of poverty which is good jobs, good education system, good medical system, good justice system one and for all and no body above the law and the constitution one and for all.
4. Worry about when Lao people will have the well highly educated leader and government who will be able to drag Lao nation out from the shi t hole .
You worry too much ,just let it be .
Just worry about how to bring the food on the table for your family dude. Don't worry about Laos and Laotian , they have been surviving for almost 4 decades.
Don't worry Lao people and Laos , they are not going to starve like north Korean and African people . Spend more time worry about yourself and your family first .