ຄຳໃຫ້ການກັບນັກຂ່າວ fox USA ຂອງນາງນອ້ຍທີ່ລອດຕາຍຈາກການໂຍນລະເບີດລົງຂຸມຫຼົບໄພທີ່ມີແຕ່ປຊຊຄົນທຳມະດາ ຂອງທະຫານຈໍເຈຍ ນາງຖາມວ່າຂ້າພວກເຮົາເຮັດຫຍັງ ພວກເຮົາເປັນປຊຊຄົນທຳມະດາ ຕໍ່ໄປນັ້ນໃຫ້ ຟັງພາສາຣັດເຊຍເອົາເອງເດີ
Nahh you can't compare CIA and KGB are the same. Yes of course CIA is a United States Government agency, But its run by the Civilian agency... and Intelligence agency primary rules is to provide intelligence pertaining to national security to the senior policy makes in the country.
as for KGB, KGB is committe for state security was national security agency of Soviet Union. until its dissolution in 1991. it was established in 1954 and was primarily involved in internal security, intelligence and secret police activities, many of archieves of KGB remain classified to this day. KGB also very brutal and would do anything to get information or keep them secret... CIA always revelations by the government and other media.it is widely known that the U.S government's secrets are being leaked, stolen or made public without serious considerations.
As for you Mr Sisouk, it doesn't matter what you said: you boss (Politburo) lost in this fight... and as former Soviet indoctrinated like you always on your dictators boss's side.
Nahh you can't compare CIA and KGB are the same. Yes of course CIA is a United States Government agency, But its run by the Civilian agency... and Intelligence agency primary rules is to provide intelligence pertaining to national security to the senior policy makes in the country.
as for KGB, KGB is committe for state security was national security agency of Soviet Union. until its dissolution in 1991. it was established in 1954 and was primarily involved in internal security, intelligence and secret police activities, many of archieves of KGB remain classified to this day. KGB also very brutal and would do anything to get information or keep them secret... CIA always revelations by the government and other media.it is widely known that the U.S government's secrets are being leaked, stolen or made public without serious considerations.
So for you to said CIA made BOM is baseless.
Oh i forgot that during the cold war, who do you think the last guy that run the KGB department or KGB director ? It was a Mr SiSouk old boss Vladimir Putin... that why the man always on the former dictatorship's side.