From: Ath Dhatpa To: Laosnetwork Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 5:47 AM Subject: 157) ລາວກໍາລັງປະເຊີນໜ້າກັບສະພາວະເງິນເຟີ້ ໃນອັດຕາທີ່ສູງຂອງກຸ່ມປະເທດອາຊຽນ ອາດເຖິງ 10%
----- Original Message ----- From: Chanh Bounmy To: Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2012 1:07 PM Subject: Re: 161 ) ຣັຖບານ ໃຫມ່ ຫລື ພັກການເມືອງໃຫມ່ ? New Lao Government is born?
copied from facebook:
Douangjai Mairnaam Dear all Lao Patriots Regarding on new web in Lao Nork politics about what the people around the world in recent time are being doubted, I have spent my time to survey and check about one who proclaimed the NEW Government on Website March 4th, 2012,
Now we know everything about RLG the government of some one which supported by LAO LING. The real name of Dr. KONGFA NAGHA-BUREE who s responsible in... the RLG is Maha Khampha SIDAVONG himself and the other name VANG NUMJAI in Paltalk group.
Maha Khampha is the person whom from the past to present has always bee in opposition against the Lao patriot's efforts to fight for liberation of Laos from Communist Lao-Viet Regime. He is the friend of Mr. Hiem Phommachanh the Lao PDR's Ambassador to U.S.A from 1993-1998. Mr. Hiem Phommacahanh now is working in Vientiane for Ministry of Foreign Affairs after he was the LaoPDR Ambassador in Thailand. Dr. Khampha Sidavong had ever backed to Laos when 10 years ago. He may contact with Mr. Hiem Phommacahanh before his proclaim this government RLG in March 4th, 2012.
Now we have seen more that side by side Dr. Khampha is supported by Dr. Souroth Vichitra in St.Petersburg Florida who is the former 21 Ongkarn and the leader of uprising group ( KHANA PA THOUANG ) against Royal Lao Governmet in Mahosoth Hospital Vientiane from 1973-1975. Dr. Soroth is the ownert of Lao Restaurant in St. Petersburg Florida.
Dr. Kongfa is his proclamation of RLG, there is some policy to protest China in Laos, but he has no any words to protest Vietnam in Laos, which it means he is be careful to talk against directly to policy of Lao PDR. Even if he announced RLG policies in his government with 9 points but all these policies have been in all documents of every Lao Nork groups it is not new idea.
All people will see that Dr. Khampha sent to Mr. Hiem Phommachanh, the Lao PDR's Ambassador to U.S dated November 3rd, 1993 in which Mr.Hiem replied to Dr.Khampha for welcoming him in Connecticut University November 28th 1993 and he promised to make friend and work together side by side until the long future. Many persons in Lao Nork groups have seen a good relationship between two persons simultaneously until today.
Before I write these comments, I have contacted with some person who know well with one man very closed to Phraya Sithat Sithibourn in Australia asking him about the B Plan all of us hearing in Laonetwork Forum which from the beginning Phraya Sithat take responsible himself.
That person told me clearly that Phaya Sithat has appointed Dr.Khampha or Dr. Kongfa as his Special Advisors and when he said when he asked Phraya about proclaiming the RLG of Dr.Kongfa, Phraya Sithat replied the person with reluctant manner, Phraya Sithat said that.. He has been working hard to contact people and he never thought before that there will be any HOT YOUNG MEN will proclaim the RLG in advance without his dateline. (After the 1st June 2012) Thank all so much