The quotes of this video telling the world CIA Legacy to create wars around the world continue. As we are talking there are more than 400 american military bases using other countries land for their own interests...( In the past there were 5 Impires ) that's why american is an imperialist.,,,watch the video again and you will see the quotes. Can you call Laos Monarchy regime was a Neutral, or independent country when America told us they paid 100% for the regime...everything. Usa said Laos was not independent, not neutral, but paid by american money. Us military bases are everywhere in 2011...more than 400. In the Middle East, Central Asia, Japan, South Korea...etc. How many communists China military bases in the world? or Russia NAR FAR JAI SUD.
The same thing in the past isn't it THE BRITISH EMPIRE used to say The Sun never sets on the British Empire, means they conquered many countries around the world. British Terroritories at that time inclucing America, and Wahsington started a Liberation war agaisnt the British..Japan Empire got angry being seen as Asian inferior race to the white then asked why you white ( cocasian) could have all those land, and we Japan Empire had nothing....
Great idea and project to assist peoples who live in bom field, on the other hand sadenly for peoples who call themselves as Laonork are still blind they never think how to assist their relative but think only for themselves, they try to do such bad thing and bad images to destroy Lao Country and peoples just for reason that they lost their power to domonate this country.
Great idea and project to assist peoples who live in bom field, on the other hand sadenly for peoples who call themselves as Laonork are still blind they never think how to assist their relative but think only for themselves, they try to do such bad thing and bad images to destroy Lao Country and peoples just for reason that they lost their power to domonate this country.
Dude!! Please think before you post.. I am Lao-nork and I have helped many of my relatives with their financial need.. I left Laos when I was 12 years old so I have no clue what you are talking about.
The Fog of War, is an american document about 3 hours, Robert McNamara the architect of the Vietnam War, means american created this war, telling us how Us devided Vietnam into 2 country, the fact that Vietnam, this country for 1000 years was 1 country not 2 country. First americans chose a catholic man from an elite viet family who used to work in the viet palace under viet king, but lived in America during the french colonists occupied Vietnam. McNamara told us the american government believed Ngo Dinh Diem will be a good servant for America because he was a catholic, but to the disapoint for the american, MCcNamara said when we brought him back to South Vietnam, and put him as South Vietnam president, majority of south vietnamese did not like him, nobody voted for him, just America made him South President, McCNamara said that's bad omen, disapointed thing, not what America wanted to...and from that time Indochina War escaladed.
Robert McCNamara said that Vietnam War, Indochina War was a big mistake. we americans lied to the teeth to create, Conscious lies to create war. After World War 2 instead of supporting independent of Indochina, americans gave 14 billions dollars to France, to re-occupy Indochina, and reclaim as french's territory, and also replaced the french as new colonists in Indochina. At the end of the document Robert McCNamara choked and cried. It's a big mistake .
Does not make sense isn't it when France said VIVE LA FRANCE during German occupation of France, the french fought Germany, and fought Japan Empire and yet they supported France to re-occupy Indochina. Perhaps Indochina people as asian race inferior to the cocasian, needed to be their slaves.
Indochina is part of the history isn't it but look at China in those years, where chinese king was not different to other asian kings, chinese king was weak, chineses people not united, and 8 foreign powers occupy China. Chineses people at that time were label as SICK and WEAK Man of ASIA, they put the sign which saying DOGS AND CHINESES are not allowed in. The World is changing now China has lot of money and lending to those big countries.
If you believed Suphanouvong was doing a right thing, I just wonder why you complained about Lao Nork and the US?
Because it is the QUOTE of this video....Buy back, the bomds, watch again and see who started this idea, and how it started. Isn't that americans in this video stated that they considered lao people are not human being.
Yes that american said in this video during the time americans occupied Laos, and hired despotic corrupted vang pao work for them, in those days americans saw lao people are not human being, but when they did this video then that american said lao people are one among the most generous people on earth.
During Hitler and German army occupied Paris France, many french worked for Hitler, after the war how french people saw these french men, women work for Germany agaisnt their own country...simply Traitors, the same everywhere. Even England Prince co-oporate with Germany, in England history book they said he, the english prince betraded his country his people again the same.
In Australia, in this century there was an intelligent australian agent worked for Indonesia, days after days the main australian TV Broadcast also called that ASIO agent, a TRAITOR. The same thing again.
why americans had to get rid of the british, there was no communists back then, british had King and Queen,? why french fought german occupy France, german not communists, why americans fought Japan Empire, japaneses had Emporor, no communists back then again. These countries did not other to invade their land yet they did to small countries, around the world. Hypocrist isn't. nee la nor NAR FAR JAI SUD.
Masters and slaves, In Apocalypse World War 2, document ( 3 hours ) telling us about World War 2, the french they brought many black african slaves from their territories in Africa like Indonchina countries to come to fight the german army occupy France, when those black african slaves were arrested by german army they simply got shot, german also saw them as sub-human. Now yesterday in the news 1 black african fought another kind of war for his race, he wanted the french comic (cartoon) TINTIN, to be removed from library because it portrade black people as nothing else but, primitive, and slaves....the white people did not want to do that, they wanted TINTIN to stay.
Julie Guillard, australian Prime Minister 2 days ago said that ASIA is rising, the future of Australia is to be intergrated with Asia because of the proximity to Asia continent, and it will help Australia to stay in good shape, isn't that good to hear Asia is rising, as an asian, from inferior races, slaves now we are rising.