All land in Laos will belong to foreigner especially China, you can see all the store in Vientiane and other provinces...! I feel so bad with that, and big company are foreigner holder, I think we lose so many thing..
This thai woman or Thailand media did not know Australia also has this policy. If you are billionaire want to come and live in Australia, you can...australian government will say ok, if you can prove you have lot of money and help to create jobs in Australia, therefor when you become australian resident you can buy houses...or land according to your wealth. Nothing new.
Jackie Chan, Hongkong movies star, he bought house in Australia, but did not live in Australia.
Of course!....JC is a Int'l movie Super Star. He has a ton of $$$ he can buy anything in any country. I bet he has a house all over places, NY,LA,Paris,Rome you name it.
In Lao, I don't know if there is any Star wants to come & buy thing yet.
So what is the point that this thai female, wanted to make here. Spreading gabbages. They are quite dumb but always look down other...look at there youtube video comments on lao lao, ai kwai doo nung thai etc. If they are fair they should say there are many countries have this Policy too not only Laos. go and malaka bitch.