You have to be careful about spinarch ok. FDA warned couple of times and they yank from the market numerous of times bcoz of bacteria.
Don't say I'm not waring U.
On SamakomLao: I appreciate very much to have this website so we can come and exchange the Ideas. Therefore, we should use only friendly & cordially recommendation/suggestion to each others. If lao don't love each others, who will?
You have to be careful about spinarch ok. FDA warned couple of times and they yank from the market numerous of times bcoz of bacteria.
Don't say I'm not waring U.
On SamakomLao: I appreciate very much to have this website so we can come and exchange the Ideas. Therefore, we should use only friendly & cordially recommendation/suggestion to each others. If lao don't love each others, who will?
Armit tar poot.
We learn a lot from this website Lao gvt learn from this too web master learn from this we fight some tims but is normal for Demogracy this wesite is become Demogracy by automaticly not Communist any more!