These words are from americans themselve, telling us ' Collapse intergrity, lies to their teeth, conscious lies....just to create war in Indochina, that's another side of America democracy, western value, hypocrist policy. I saw this document many times....this is just a repeat. How low and backward and out of touch with reality to see now, their servants still posting rubbish thins to insult LAOS.
These words are from americans themselve, telling us ' Collapse intergrity, lies to their teeth, conscious lies....just to create war in Indochina, that's another side of America democracy, western value, hypocrist policy. I saw this document many times....this is just a repeat. How low and backward and out of touch with reality to see now, their servants still posting rubbish thins to insult LAOS.
Are you sure you understand the meaning and purpose of this film? Who is trying to insult Laos?
I think you should watch it gain....nothing to insult Laos, but they try to tell the World that how bad these people did to Indochina countries.
Their servants here, are people likes dead Vang pao, and his followers....still posting rubbish video trying to discredit Laos government, look at the topic about new regulation of visa. The bastard with a monkey picture from Apes movies....saying Lao's people should worship vang pao....not the one who posted this document. Lao isan is another name if you want to see his sinister purposes.