-- Edited by samakomlao on Tuesday 2nd of March 2010 03:47:07 PM
Non-of your business....if you ask like this in the US, you could be on the list of
"Terrorist" 5555
ຂ້ອຍຄິດວ່າປະຊາຊົນລາວແຕ່ລະຄົນມີສິດທີ່ຈະຮູ້ວ່າລັດຖະບານລາວໃຊ້ເງິນທີ່ເກັບມາໄດ້ຈາກພາສີອາກອນແບບໃດ໋? ຂ້ອຍເຄີຍເຫັນເຂົາເຈົ້າເອົາເລື່ອງ AIR FORCE ONE ແລະ MARINE ONE ອອກມາຖ່າຍທອດທາງໂທລະທັດຊ່ອງ HIST ເຂົາສາຍໃຫ້ເບິ່ງໝົດຕັ້ງແຕ່ຕອນປະທານາທິບໍດີອາເມລິກາ ຈັອດ ບຸດ ອອກຈາກທຳນຽບຂາວຂຶ້ນຍົນ AIR FORCE ONE ເດີນທາງໄປຮອດກຸງແບັກແດັດ. ຂ້ອຍຊິບອກເຈົ້າເອົາບຸນເນີ ຜູ່ນຳຂອງປະເທດອື່ນໆບໍ່ມີຄວາມລັບກັບປະຊາຊົນຂອງເຂົາເຈົ້າ ບໍເຊື່ອກໍ່ລອງເຂົ້າໄປເບິ່ງເອົາເອງເນີຢູ່ລິ່ງລຸ່ມນີ້: http://www.whitehouse.gov/photos-and-video/photogallery/march-2010-photo-day
-- Edited by samakomlao on Tuesday 2nd of March 2010 03:47:07 PM
Non-of your business....if you ask like this in the US, you could be on the list of
"Terrorist" 5555
I think you watched too much News from Thai-media and KhmerNews..I remember well when the thai guy gave out a secret flight information about Taksin who flew in to Cambodia. I know you trying to link the gentleman's question to that stories...that's why you called Terrorist. there's no such thing of what you said... this is America....
Back in early 80 , if the leader want to go to like: Vietnam, Cambodia, or thailand, They would used a small Jet (lao called Yuk see sip) it very small, look like private jet, It' similar to FOKKER-70, But just alitlebit smaller than Forkker70... It' was Russian Built Aircraf. so if they're fying domesticlly, they usually fly with either Mi6 or Mi8. it' small and midium helicopters...
Back in early 80 , if the leader want to go to like: Vietnam, Cambodia, or thailand, They would used a small Jet (lao called Yuk see sip) it very small, look like private jet, It' similar to FOKKER-70, But just alitlebit smaller than Forkker70... It' was Russian Built Aircraf. so if they're fying domesticlly, they usually fly with either Mi6 or Mi8. it' small and midium helicopters...