Yes, Laos would be a battery of SEA Nations in the future. But, you have to understand that Laos own less than 50 percentage of the share `all the rest belong to investors from the outside.
Without these Capital, We probably have no Battery either...
This numerical tableau shows percentage of tax on electric import. ນຍ ພວກສູ ກະຄື ຂິໂງ່ ພໍ ປານ ປານກັນນີ້ແລ່ະນໍ!!!
Electricity pricing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electricity pricing (sometimes referred to as electricity tariff or the price of electricity) varies widely from country to country, and may vary significantly from locality to locality within a particular country. There are many reasons that account for these differences in price. The price of power generation depends largely on the type and market price of the fuel used, government subsidies, government and industry regulation, and even local weather patterns.