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beer can also be unhealthy

Before you go out and celebrate with a few pints, keep in mind that all of the studies above point out that beer is only healthy if you drink moderately. Some scientists even consider the health benefits of alcohol for moderate drinkers to be controversial due to the variations in the methodologies of the studies.

What all doctors and scientists agree on, however, is that the health risks of drinking larger amounts of alcohol will quickly outweigh its benefits; and to make matters worse, alcohol can impair your judgment, thus making it hard for you to stop at just a drink or two.

One of the most common harmful effects of alcohol is on the liver, the organ that removes toxins from the body. In the liver, enzymes first convert alcohol into acetaldehyde, a chemical intermediate that can cause nausea, headache, vomiting, and other bad effects of alcohol ingestion. During this step, a molecule called NADH is also produced.

What all this means for your health and how you can help save your live


Acetaldehyde is further metabolized into acetic acid, and then water and carbon dioxide that we breathe out. Unfortunately, in people who drink daily, the body might not be able to metabolize the toxic acetaldehyde fast enough.

To make matters worse, heavy drinking can elevate the levels of NADH, which can lead to the accumulation of fat in the liver in a condition called fatty liver. A liver clogged with fat is not only less efficient in performing its duties, it can also lead to a reduction in the distribution of oxygen and nutrients to the liver's cells. Left untreated, this causes liver cells to die and form fibrous scar tissue leading to cirrhosis or scarring of the liver -- a potentially deadly condition.

Yet another effect of high levels of NADH is the formation of harmful free radicals, which can cause further damage to the cells in the liver and the rest of the body.

And that's not all -- beer has a lot of calories, which can lead to obesity (not to mention a beer belly) in those who drink a lot of it. Being obese, in turn, carries a lot of health risks, including heart disease and diabetes.

tips for beer lovers

Short of not drinking any alcohol (which is the medical recommendation for men who have had liver damage due to alcohol), there are many things you can do to limit the bad effects of alcohol and beer.

Set your limit and pace

Decide how many drinks you will have ahead of time and stick to it. Don't be afraid to say "no thanks." Also, remember to drink slowly: A healthy liver can process a standard drink (a 12 oz can of beer) an hour -- if you drink any faster than that, you risk overloading your body's ability to process alcohol.

This is especially important in parties and social situations, where peer pressure to drink can override your better judgment.

Don't drink on an empty stomach

Eating a substantial meal before you go out and drink can actually help slow the absorption of alcohol. A full stomach may also help you cut down on the amount of alcohol you can drink.

Drink water or non-alcoholic beverages between drinks

Alcohol dehydrates your body, so drinking a non-alcoholic "decoy" between alcoholic drinks not only helps you cut down on alcohol consumption, it also helps keep your body hydrated.

Protect your liver

Allow your liver to recover by not drinking alcohol every day -- in fact, have as many alcohol-free days as possible between drinking.

Also, consider taking nutritional supplements that contain herbs and nutrients that help keep the liver healthy, such as Anchor Health's Liv-R Support. This supplement contains milk thistle extract, curcumin, gotu kola, schizandra berry, and other liver-friendly herbs clinically shown to help rid the liver of toxins and improve liver functions.

By taking Liv-R Support regularly and drinking in moderation, you can help protect your liver against many of the bad effects of alcohol and beer.

take care of your body

Beer and alcohol are a very important part of a man's life -- many of us can't imagine life without our beloved drink of choice -- but remember that drinking too much can lead to ruins.

Remember that you bear the ultimate responsibility for your health -- and if you love beer, this means understanding the health benefits and risks of alcohol, as well as drinking only in moderation. Taking care of your liver, by taking liver-friendly supplements such as Anchor Health's Liv-R Support, should also be a part of your daily health routine.





Many thanks Mr. Cheerball for sharing your knowledge about the danger of alcohol consumption, although I stopped drinking and smoking years ago to save my own life because both vices are deadliest foes of my lungs and liver. I'm feeling much better right now !







ສັງເກດເບິ່ງວ່າຄົນລາວໃນລາວ ໂດຍສະເພາະພວກອາຍຸສາມສິບຂື້ນໄປ

ມີຮູບຮ່າງທີ່ຕຸ້ຍ,ທອ້ງໂສ່ນແລະມີພຸງໃຫ່ຍ ເຮັດໃຫ້ພວກເຂົາເບິ່ງຄືເຖົ້າກວ່າອາຍຸຂອງຕົນເອງ

ສາຍເຫດກໍງ່າຍເຊັ່ນການກິນຫລາຍ ໂດຍສະເພາະນອກຈາກອາຫານປົກະຕິແລ້ວ ຍັງກິນເບຍກັບຂອງແກ້ມອີກ


ການກິນເບຍປົນນ້ຳແຂງນັ້ນເຮັດໃຫ້ກິນໄດ້ທົນແລະຫລາຍແຕ່ບໍໄດ້ຮູ້ເຖິງລົດຊາດທີ່ແທ້ຈິງຂອງເບຍ ຄົນລາວສ້ວນຫລາຍກິນເບຍປົນນ້ຳແລະອາຫານຈິ່ງເຮັດໃຫ້ທອ້ງໃຫ່ຍເປັນພິເສດ


ດັ່ງທີ່ບົດຄວາມຂ້າງເທິງເວົ້າແລ້ວ ການກິນເບຍພໍປະມານເປັນຜົນດີຕໍ່ຮ່າງກາຍ ການກິນເບຍທີ່ມີອຸນະພູມທຳມະດາຫລືອຸນາພູມຂອງຫອ້ງນັ້ນຈະຮູ້ເຖິງລລົດຊາດທີ່ແທ້ຈິງຂອງເບຍ.

ສັງເກດວ່າຄົນລາວນັ້ນ ກິນເບຍເກີນຂອບເຂດ ເຊິ່ງເບຍນັ້ນຈະກາຍເປັນທາດຜິດສະສົມໃນຮ່າງກາຍເປັນເວລາຍາວນານ ຫລັງຈາກອາຍຸຫລາຍຂື້ນ


ການກິນເບຍເຢັນຫລືກັບນ້ຳແຂງນັ້ນເປັນຜົນຮ້າຍຕໍ່ກະເພາະຂອງທ່ານໂດຍກົງ ກະເພາະມັນທຳມະດາກໍບໍມັກຄວາມເຢັນຢູ່ແລ້ວ



ເລີກກິນເບຍແບບໂງ່ຈ້າ ຫັນມາອອກກຳລັງກາຍແລະດື່ມສິງທີ່ເປັນປະໂຫຍດແທນ


ຈະເຮັດໃຫ້ເສດຖະກິດດີຂື້ນ ເຮັດສຸຂະພາບດີຂື້ນ

ເພື່ອທ່ານ, ເພື່ອຄອບຄົວຂອງທ່ານ.


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