very good to open the door for the people, let the people make a choice to study.
Open the door? They got no facking choice, there is no door. The schools are shiet. But Lao gov't builds luxurious gov't building and mansions for themselves. Way to go facking stupid commies. Lao people in Lao are so stupid to not see this.
very good to open the door for the people, let the people make a choice to study.
Open the door? They got no facking choice, there is no door. The schools are shiet. But Lao gov't builds luxurious gov't building and mansions for themselves. Way to go facking stupid commies. Lao people in Lao are so stupid to not see this.
Walk into any public school and talk to any teacher and you will hear the same complaints: Too many children in the classroom, not enough supplies or text books, students unable to sit quietly or focus on the teacher, and of course, teachers not paid enough money
Walk into any public school and talk to any teacher and you will hear the same complaints: Too many children in the classroom, not enough supplies or text books, students unable to sit quietly or focus on the teacher, and of course, teachers not paid enough money
Why do you dog eaters always compare everything to the USA? Cause it's better in every way right? YES.
Education problems in America are problems in a developed country. VERY DIFFERENT from problems in Laos, a developing 3rd world country. We have doors and roofs on our schools, you facking don't.
They even have meal programs for students to eat for free to encourage them to come to school. People complain about problems in the west is because they are spoiled and used to having everything, then the gov't cuts back and they wine like kids.
Look at the pictures in Laos, those kids don't have NOTHING. They don't even have a decent teacher.
Have any of you Lao Nai's ever been to a school in the west before you open your dog azz mouth????
I wen to school in Canada, ranked in the top 10 every year.
What rank is Laos education????? That's right last facking place biatches. Eat some facking dog shiet again.