If you can't identify which one is real or fake, it's means you don't have ability to use iPhone yet, because real iPhone and fake is totally different system operation do not look only case
If you can't identify which one is real or fake, it's means you don't have ability to use iPhone yet, because real iPhone and fake is totally different system operation do not look only case
You are absolutely right.
I bought one here in Washington state. I checked all before buy.
All are fake, because they are made in China.
Anyway I am not very much on this advance technology, so will use the fake one.
If you can't identify which one is real or fake, it's means you don't have ability to use iPhone yet, because real iPhone and fake is totally different system operation do not look only case
You are absolutely right.
I bought one here in Washington state. I checked all before buy.
All are fake, because they are made in China.
Anyway I am not very much on this advance technology, so will use the fake one.
My 2 Cents , ຖ້າໃຊ້ iPhone 7 ເດີ ເຂົາຈະເອົາມາປະກອບຢູ່ເຂດເສດຖະກິດພິເສດຢູ່ສະຫວັນນະເຂດ