If one side help by the American then other side will be helped by the Russia and China so the people will have weapons to kill each other. But these three super power will never kill each other directly.
ປັດຈຸບັນຍັງມີການສູ້ຣົບລະວາງຣັດຖະບານຄອມມີນິດເສເຣັຍ (Republic Arab of Syria)ແລ້ວຣັດເຊັຍ ( Russia )ແລະໄອແລນ ( Iran)ກັບຈີນແດງ China)
້ອຂະນະຣັດຖະບານຈອມພະເດັດການບາສ້າ( Dictator Bashar Al Assad )ໃຫ້ມີອຳນາດຢູ່ຕໍ່ໄປໃດ້ບໍ່? ທີໃຫ້ຄວາມຊວຍເຫຼື
The war between Syria and Israel didn't kill as many as the president Bashar Al Assad kills his own people . The Jews didn't destroyed the whole country like the president Bashar Al Assad has been doing. Soon he will used the chemical weapon regardless of the United Nation warning him.