Laos is beatiful country, but the Goverment is fake. The United State of America is freedom of speech. Everyone is equal and have the right to to talk. Fuccck you Communist and Vietcong get out of Laos, Go back to your country we dont need you here in .
Laos is beatiful country, but the Goverment is fake. The United State of America is freedom of speech. Everyone is equal and have the right to to talk. Fuccck you Communist and Vietcong get out of Laos, Go back to your country we dont need you here in .
The Laos can be very prosperity country of developed, for example Thailand they are not communist Like Laos and vietcong survival by dogs. Fuccking Laos Goverment should open up their eyes and come to see The United State of America. They are so equal to their people and lots of opportunities, everyone all around the world wanted to come here.
Where in the world are you come from the Laos goverment? You must be...fuccking monkey from the jungle ( Laos Goverment).
You corrupted and killed people without a reason... I hope you all die very soon.