Cambodia’s Heng Development Company on Monday unveiled the firstever electric-powered cars manufactured by its factory in Kandal province. The show was made after the firm has completed the construction of a US$20 million car manufacturing plant branded “Angkor” in Kandal province’s Takhmao district. Speaking at a car show on Monday here, Khuon Sodary, the 2nd vice-president of the Parliament, said it was the first time that Cambodia has its own car-made factory and this was a pride for the country. “This is a good start. Even though the car is not as good as that imported from other countries, but it is the good start. No start, no progress,” she said. Sieng Chan Heng, director general of Heng Development Company, said the factory has used raw materials and spare parts from auto manufacturers in China’s Shanghai. “We do believe that the Angkor-branded car will gain popularity among local customers because it is friendly to environment,” she said. “A car costs less than US$10,000.” She did not disclose the number of cars the factory will produce annually, saying that it will depend on market demand.
The car models and designs are created by a Cambodian innovator Nhean Phaloek. According to Phaloek, the electric-powered car’s maximum speed is 60 kilometers per hour. “The cars will help reduce environmental pollution and reduce reliance on the usage of hiking oil,” he said. Cambodia needs about 2,000 brand new cars and 20,000 used cars a year. Those autos are imported mostly from Japan, South Korea, China, the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
07 January 2013