haha!!! you're kidding i just got back from lao those people they're richer than me . you better think twice,you're so wrong. and they're smarter than you.
haha!!! you're kidding i just got back from lao those people they're richer than me . you better think twice,you're so wrong. and they're smarter than you.
haha!! are you blind or what, if the majority of Lao people are rich, why the country is still poor?
what you saw, Many of them got the money from the corruption and some illegal business, so i think you should think a million time before open
only you say that , but today people are not uneducate anymore like you have seen 45 years ago,i don't want to argue with you because i have seen with my own eye. they are better than 45 years ago....
only you say that , but today people are not uneducate anymore like you have seen 45 years ago,i don't want to argue with you because i have seen with my own eye. they are better than 45 years ago....
if Laos or people are worse than 45 years ago, you people pls stop to run the country.
i think you are out of the topic, No ones didnt mention about the education above
45 years ago Lao people had pride in being Lao. Today, Lao people are looked down upon from everyone, even ourselves.
To be rich in Laos, you have to be nah laam and sukk dikc of commie gov't.
There is no one smart in Laos, NO ONE. Why you ask? If you are smart, then the commie gov't kills you like Sombath Somphone. If there were smart kon lao in laos then where are they? Where are all the engineers, doctors, scientist, architects, noble prize winners. There are none, can't even find a decent dentist or mechanic in Laos. Just a buch of beerlao drinkers.
If Lao people are educated more today then why is there still corruption and poverty? Everyone says education is the answer, well where are all these educated people that are supposed to make the country prosper? I don't see any Lao entrepreneurs being interviewed about how they became successful. All those people who are rich in Laos, how did they obtain that wealth? No one knows and know one asks cause they can't tell. People on here brag that Lao people buy mercedes with cash, well do you know how stupid that sounds to us "smart" lao people looking at that? I would invest that money instead and make it work for me. It's funny that Lao people say the country isn't poor cause they've seen it with their own eyes. Do you see the dirt roads, the food that they are selling on the streets covered in flies, all the motorcycles cause they can't afford cars, you ever seen a descent washroom there, how about the electricity that stays on half the time, how about the hospital, would you trust your life there?
I know all the laosy people are going to come on here and start talking shiet to me and tell me I'm stupid and they're right. That just shows you how stupid they are that they don't see reality. It's nice when money comes from some corrupt or dishonest means and all you do is live an ignorant life. Even this website was paid by that same corrupt money, that's why they can't say anything bad about Laos.