ຂ້າງເຮືອນ ບໍ
ງຽບ ຕີ໋!
ຄົນລາວຢາກກະເລີ່ ແຮງ ຍ້ອນພາສາບໍ່ມີການພັດທະນາ
nice to meet my HS classmate. he looks older than he is.
hey Bounleth Insixiengmai how are you ?
Anonymous wrote:nice to meet my HS classmate. he looks older than he is.hey Bounleth Insixiengmai how are you ?
He's Bounleuth or Bounleth Insixiengmai? Is he grand son of Minister Lieum Insixiengmai right?
he is Bounleuth, missed spelling.
he is a minister Lieuam Insixienmai's nefew, a not grand son.
we were classmate from mor -1 to mor -7.