President of Iran didn't denie and speech that Israel must be wipe of the map. What will it affect Lao economy if the war beween Israel and Iran happen?
Will the gas , food and medicene be more expensive in Laos or have no effect Laos at all ?
Hamas , Jihad and Al Qeada suicide bombers terrorists are not afraid to use the nuclear bombs , Chemical weapon and biological weapon if the Iran has them and give those weapons to them to wipe Israel out of the map. You could see the Muslim in China ,Thailand , Middle East and Europe , they are very violent people. The suicidal bomber (Muslim terrorists ) believe , to kill none Muslim people that is OK and they go to heaven and will be reward by Allah with 40 virgins.
it won't be affected Laos directly, Pls know that every war can be affected around the world, it's less or more would be depends on what kind of relationship or Trade that Laos has with those countries.
This is what exactly what was a lao finance minister said when finacial market collaped in 2008 around the Glob, But a few years later he came out and admited when the inflation hit laos and another commodities when traded with other countries.
to say what you said, it make you look stupid... Why the hell Laos held the ASEM SUBMIT?.
If the war break out between Iran and Israel at that region which have a lot of crude oil cargo ship that will slow down the transportation every part of the world because every countries need fuel, The war will be a very big war and it might lead to the world war 3 or nuclear war as well. If the Iran use Chemical weapon on Israel which Iran has already have the Chemical weapon. For sure Israel will response back with nuclear weapon and biological weapons which Israel also has which the disease infinite and travel the globe.
According to the Holly bible of Jew , Christianity and Islam that Jerusalem ( Israel )will be where the world battle begin that means the nuclear war will start there. Russian , Iranian and Chinese will help and join the fight with the Muslim against Israel and the United States and NATO allies. Vietnam , Philippine , Japan, south Korea, Taiwan and India will fight China . Pakistan and North Korea will help China. Then it will be the end of man kind. The nuclear bombs , Chemical weapon and biological weapons will be used and outbreak and pandemic will kill all the human being.