Prepare for the nuclear war between Israel and Iran . Will it affect Laos economy ? Will the gas and fuel and medicine and food go up in Laos?
The best technology that the American text dollars spent on Israel Iron Dom is working very well. Now Israel ready to know out Iran nuclear facility program. Israel is the only nation in Middle East who has over 100 nuclear war heads missiles.
Over 100 rockets and missiles fired from gaza only one went through and 4 Israeli were killed. The Iron dome is working very well and it is better than patriot missiles .
The Jews are considered the smartest people on the planent... if you know about the six day war in 1967 (Israel vs. Egypt, Jordan and Syria).. you will understand why Israel is not afraid of any country in the middle east. Beside with America's 100% supports.. it even makes Isarael super strong..
Jewish are helping each other no matter where they are living in the world. That is the reason why the Israel is strong unlike Laos. Laos have always divided and not united and betrayed our own people for power struggling and lost the independent since Lanexang kingdom to other nation such as Burma , Siam , France and now indirectly conquered and dominated by Vietnam and Laotian must pay very expensive price for many generation to come or perhaps until Laos run out of natural resource such wood ,cooper , gold..etc... Unlike Jewish people , they had learned their lesson from NAZI and they will never put himself in the same situation to be exterminated again of the final solution( NAZI) of any thread of any nation specially nuclear threat by Iran president (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ) to wipe Israel out of the map.