I think most of us who spend time in this Lao web care deeply about the well-being and future of our motherland Laos. To my knowledge this is one of the very few, if not the only one, sites where both Laonai and Laonok can communicate and exchange idea.
I agree that there are some members who keep posting threads without supporting evidence or published article, some posts are pure propaganda, some others are filled with profanities. However, news or articles that concern Lao issues appearing in internal or international presses should be discussed here even though they may appear to be somewhat anti-LPDR or anti-Lao abroad. This type of threads stimulate exchanges and mutual understanding among us. We need to open our eyes on both sides of the spectrum in order to educate ourselves about what happens to the present and future of our motherland. Otherwise, this web will become one-sdied and so boring and will lose members.
I think most of us who spend time in this Lao web care deeply about the well-being and future of our motherland Laos. To my knowledge this is one of the very few, if not the only one, sites where both Laonai and Laonok can communicate and exchange idea.
I agree that there are some members who keep posting threads without supporting evidence or published article, some posts are pure propaganda, some others are filled with profanities. However, news or articles that concern Lao issues appearing in internal or international presses should be discussed here even though they may appear to be somewhat anti-LPDR or anti-Lao abroad. This type of threads stimulate exchanges and mutual understanding among us. We need to open our eyes on both sides of the spectrum in order to educate ourselves about what happens to the present and future of our motherland. Otherwise, this web will become one-sided and so boring and will lose members.
I think most of us who spend time in this Lao web care deeply about the well-being and future of our motherland Laos. To my knowledge this is one of the very few, if not the only one, sites where both Laonai and Laonok can communicate and exchange idea.
I agree that there are some members who keep posting threads without supporting evidence or published article, some posts are pure propaganda, some others are filled with profanities. However, news or articles that concern Lao issues appearing in internal or international presses should be discussed here even though they may appear to be somewhat anti-LPDR or anti-Lao abroad. This type of threads stimulate exchanges and mutual understanding among us. We need to open our eyes on both sides of the spectrum in order to educate ourselves about what happens to the present and future of our motherland. Otherwise, this web will become one-sided and so boring and will lose members.
Grammar correction!
It's a typo, Prof., resulting from a fast and furious typing...and not from a spelling ignorance. Just an FYI.
I think most of us who spend time in this Lao web care deeply about the well-being and future of our motherland Laos. To my knowledge this is one of the very few, if not the only one, sites where both Laonai and Laonok can communicate and exchange idea.
I agree that there are some members who keep posting threads without supporting evidence or published article, some posts are pure propaganda, some others are filled with profanities. However, news or articles that concern Lao issues appearing in internal or international presses should be discussed here even though they may appear to be somewhat anti-LPDR or anti-Lao abroad. This type of threads stimulate exchanges and mutual understanding among us. We need to open our eyes on both sides of the spectrum in order to educate ourselves about what happens to the present and future of our motherland. Otherwise, this web will become one-sided and so boring and will lose members.
Grammar correction!
It's a typo, Prof., resulting from a fast and furious typing...and not from a spelling ignorance. Just an FYI.