Don't even bother with some so-called groups of Lao nationalists who want to take Laos back from the communism. That's ridiculous. Former Lao leaders are now old and most of them have passed away. Vang Pao has gone, Thonglith has gone, etc...
The big danger for the LPDR goverment is the Laonai themselves in the future. For instance, if the economy is not doing well and if there are a lot of unemployed people and there is a big difference between the rich and poor. Pay attention to what Dr. Panemalaythong said. This can wake up people and trigger revolt. Don't laugh.
and there are also some poor Lao people who are really worry about other people who are more educated and really love Laos will change their destiny backward to the place where they used to be.
Don't even bother with some so-called groups of Lao nationalists who want to take Laos back from the communism. That's ridiculous. Former Lao leaders are now old and most of them have passed away. Vang Pao has gone, Thonglith has gone, etc...
The big danger for the LPDR goverment is the Laonai themselves in the future. For instance, if the economy is not doing well and if there are a lot of unemployed people and there is a big difference between the rich and poor. Pay attention to what Dr. Panemalaythong said. This can wake up people and trigger revolt. Don't laugh.