One reason, the Webmaster needs this webboard to stay active. Anonymous comments kepts this
webboard alive (many readers don't like sign up then log in)
Any inappropriate comments (bad words directed to government..for exemple...) will be dealt with when he sees it (the Webmaster
can trace your IP, and you can be banned if he choose to do so).
TO PREVENT THIS TO HAPPEN TO YOU.......Then you need to be carefull what you POST.....SIMPLE AS THAT
I am new in Network administration and interested in this issue too. Could you give me any hint if he or she uses public internet like library internet and so on how can you trace him or her? and if NIC card is replaced how can you notify?
One reason, the Webmaster needs this webboard to stay active. Anonymous comments kepts this
webboard alive (many readers don't like sign up then log in)
Any inappropriate comments (bad words directed to government..for exemple...) will be dealt with when he sees it (the Webmaster
can trace your IP, and you can be banned if he choose to do so).
TO PREVENT THIS TO HAPPEN TO YOU.......Then you need to be carefull what you POST.....SIMPLE AS THAT
I am new in Network administration and interested in this issue too. Could you give me any hint if he or she uses public internet like library internet and so on how can you trace him or her? and if NIC card is replaced how can you notify?
Anonymous wrote:
Exactly, why this guy wants everyone to agree and say nice things about something they don't agree with.
For instance, many people think that Lao government has a lot of corruption issues, but how would you expect everyone to stay quiet and not say anything about it?
Laos is getting poorer and poorer because people can't express their views about politics. Whatever the government does, everyone has to agree. It's good for politicians but bad for the country.
ສະນັ້ນຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຂໍສະເໜີ Webmaster ວ່າ ທຸກໆຄົນກ່ອນທີ່ຈະສ້າງ ກະທູ້ ຕອບ ຫລືຄອມເມັນຕ່າງ ແມ່ນຕ້ອງເປັນ member ແລະ ຕ້ອງ Log in ກ່ອນ ຈື່ງສາມາດຄອມເມັນໄດ້
Please tell me what you guy think???
Most discussion forums disappeared because of too much control and they were too politically correct and lack of free expression. In the end, only a small number of members stayed and the discussion became so one-sided and boring. On the other hand, when you let everything goes too far under the claim of free expression there were always abuses by some trolling members and the forum became a garbage and people left.
Personally, I think Samakomlao has done a quite nice job by balancing both extremes and keep the discussion open and sane. Accordingly, there is no need to log in which I think will discourage some members to express their views.