It amazes me how you guys are not able to even understand the meaning of the simple data. Those are the results of the last three countries in the competition.
The Lao guy ran 28:17 seconds. The world record is 20.91 second. There is only just one guy from the African country of Benin that run more slowly tham him among all those athletes. The Cambodian athlete run 27:03 second.
No one ແມ່ນ "ຄົນລາວລືມຕີນ". You are too sensitive when confronted with the truth. The real Khon Lao who really loves Laos should learn the truth, otherwise you cannot improve yourself. The truth is to know where is Lao standing among others so that Lao people can improve themselves to compete with other countries in the world. How and whether Lao athletes have been helped in their preparation and training so that they can dream of medlas in future Olympics. That's the real ຄົນລາວບໍ່ລືມຕີນ.