Yes , of course . Lao people will not care and mind at all what system and foreign policy Lao government will be use . If only the Lao people have the good living condition , good jobs, good education system , good medical care system and good justice system. But Laos is the poorest ,least developed country that is the reason why it is about time for Lao to change the system and the foreign policy. So Lao could be part of the world community . So Laos will not be isolated from the world community. Laos could not afford to be isolated .The system and foreign policy which could make the different . The investors and know ledges could be brought to Laos and educated lao people so Laos could get out from poverty. Changing the law and the system that means that must be violent and blood shed.. Just to be smart change the trading law and foreign policy and catch up with the world .Time is changing and the world is changing. ( Brain & mind, science and economy )
Singapore and South Korea are much better than China and Vietnam . People have better living condition , people are well educated and more skill workers, better economy China is rich country but China don;t give a dam to their people . Only care to their party member and families and business associate. There are one billions Chinese are still living in poverty and poor. Only 140 Chinese billionaires and about 40 million communist party member are rich and about 300 million Chinese have a good condition of living but one billion Chinese are still poor and living in poverty.
Yes , of course . Lao people will not care and mind at all what system and foreign policy Lao government will be use . If only the Lao people have the good living condition , good jobs, good education system , good medical care system and good justice system. But Laos is the poorest ,least developed country that is the reason why it is about time for Lao to change the system and the foreign policy. So Lao could be part of the world community . So Laos will not be isolated from the world community. Laos could not afford to be isolated .The system and foreign policy which could make the different . The investors and know ledges could be brought to Laos and educated lao people so Laos could get out from poverty. Changing the law and the system that means that must be violent and blood shed.. Just to be smart change the trading law and foreign policy and catch up with the world .Time is changing and the world is changing. ( Brain & mind, science and economy )
ເຈົ້າໄປຢູ່ໃສມາ ທ້າວ ປາທູ ລາວຈະເຂົ້າເປັນສະມາຊິກອົງການການຄ້າໂລກ (WTO) ທ້າຍປີນີ້ ແລະຈະເລິ່ມປະຕິບັດ ຕົ້ນປີ 2013 ປານນັ້ນຍັງມາເວົ້າວ່າລາວຄວນ (So Lao could be part of the world community . So Laos will not be isolated from the world community) (and catch up with the world )
ຄິວບາ (Cuba )ກ່ອນຟີແດວແຄສະໂຕຣ(Fidel Castro)ປົດປອຍ ຊື່ງມີຄວາມຈະເຣີນແລະເປັນເກາະ ( Paradise Island )ທີດືງນັກທ່ອງທຽວເປັນຈຳຫຼາຍ ຊື່ງເປັນຣາຍສ່ວນໃຫຍ່ສ່ວນື່ງຂອງຄິວບາ (Cuba )ແຕ່ເປັນໜ້າເສັງດາຍ ຟີແດວແຄສະໂຕຣ(Fidel Castro )ໄດ້ປິດປະຕູຕາຍກັບໂລກພາຍນອກ ຊື່ງເປັນການທວງຄວາມຈະເຣີນຂອງຄິວບາ (Cuba) ຖ້ານະໂຍບາຍການປົກຄອງໃນບອວປະຊາທິປະໃຕ ຄິວບາ (Cuba) ອາດຈະມີຄວາມຈະເຣີນແລະເສຖະກິດດີເທົ້າທຽມກັນກັບ Singapore, Taiwanແລະ South Korea. ຊື່ງເປັນການຄວາມຈະເຣີນຂອງຄິວບາ (Cuba). ລາວກໍ່ບໍ່ຄວນຍ່າງຕາມຣອຍຕີນຂອງຄິວບາ (Cuba)ແລະ (North Korea)
Cuba , North Korea and Laos are not the poor countries but the system make the countries and the people poor.
ask the real bastard monster AMERICA, why CUBA and the rest of the AMERIC- LATIN continent incl many parts of the world are so against the monster U.S? you better will find the answer!!
ຄິວບາ (Cuba )ກ່ອນຟີແດວແຄສະໂຕຣ(Fidel Castro)ປົດປອຍ ຊື່ງມີຄວາມຈະເຣີນແລະເປັນເກາະ ( Paradise Island )ທີດືງນັກທ່ອງທຽວເປັນຈຳຫຼາຍ ຊື່ງເປັນຣາຍສ່ວນໃຫຍ່ສ່ວນື່ງຂອງຄິວບາ (Cuba )ແຕ່ເປັນໜ້າເສັງດາຍ ຟີແດວແຄສະໂຕຣ(Fidel Castro )ໄດ້ປິດປະຕູຕາຍກັບໂລກພາຍນອກ ຊື່ງເປັນການທວງຄວາມຈະເຣີນຂອງຄິວບາ (Cuba) ຖ້ານະໂຍບາຍການປົກຄອງໃນບອວປະຊາທິປະໃຕ ຄິວບາ (Cuba) ອາດຈະມີຄວາມຈະເຣີນແລະເສຖະກິດດີເທົ້າທຽມກັນກັບ Singapore, Taiwanແລະ South Korea. ຊື່ງເປັນການຄວາມຈະເຣີນຂອງຄິວບາ (Cuba). ລາວກໍ່ບໍ່ຄວນຍ່າງຕາມຣອຍຕີນຂອງຄິວບາ (Cuba)ແລະ (North Korea)
Cuba , North Korea and Laos are not the poor countries but the system make the countries and the people poor.
ask the real bastard monster AMERICA, why CUBA and the rest of the AMERIC- LATIN continent incl many parts of the world are so against the monster U.S? you better will find the answer!!
Every year those countries in south America , central America want the US foreign aid money . They said they hate the United States but million of them and the people from Latin American and all over the world try to come and live in the United States including Russian, Chinese, Arabian and the people from Lao PDR as well...etc...Rich and poor There are 12 millions illigal alian in the United States today that the US governemet haave to dealwith their children school . medicare , wlefare ..etc.. 12millions people that is bigger than the entire Lao population in Laos. The United States is not a perfect country but it is the land of the opportunity for any one who have the dream and want to pursue their American dream and want it to come true. The most important the government is the government who is elected by people and the country is running by the people .The United States is not perfect and rich as every think that it should have been and money is not every thing . The most important thing is freedom , the human being right ,equal opportunity , ( democracy) the right to vote for their leader which North Korean , Cuba and Laotian don't even know what is it, so sad.
Yes , of course . Lao people will not care and mind at all what system and foreign policy Lao government will be use . If only the Lao people have the good living condition , good jobs, good education system , good medical care system and good justice system. But Laos is the poorest ,least developed country that is the reason why it is about time for Lao to change the system and the foreign policy. So Lao could be part of the world community . So Laos will not be isolated from the world community. Laos could not afford to be isolated .The system and foreign policy which could make the different . The investors and know ledges could be brought to Laos and educated lao people so Laos could get out from poverty. Changing the law and the system that means that must be violent and blood shed.. Just to be smart change the trading law and foreign policy and catch up with the world .Time is changing and the world is changing. ( Brain & mind, science and economy )
ເຈົ້າໄປຢູ່ໃສມາ ທ້າວ ປາທູ ລາວຈະເຂົ້າເປັນສະມາຊິກອົງການການຄ້າໂລກ (WTO) ທ້າຍປີນີ້ ແລະຈະເລິ່ມປະຕິບັດ ຕົ້ນປີ 2013 ປານນັ້ນຍັງມາເວົ້າວ່າລາວຄວນ (So Lao could be part of the world community . So Laos will not be isolated from the world community) (and catch up with the world )
Soviet Union would rebuild Laos that what the Soviet Union promised Lao people to over throw the Neutral government. After 37 years Laos is still the poorest and the least developed . Also If the Lao government was against capitalism, why they want the foreign investors to come and invest in Laos today today .Every body supposed to be equal and have the same opportunity and no corruption in the communist country .Why there are some people so rich and a lot of people are still living in poverty and a lot of corruption. Unlike Singapore , there are so lttle corruption and the Singapore don't have any natural resources and their economical is very successful but Laos have a lot of naturalresource and sell them all and still poor.