ສິງກະໂປກໍ່ມີຫລາຍພັກ ແຕ່ວ່າສຽງສ່ວນໃຫຍ່ແມ່ນພັກ People's Action Party ແລະຮອງລົງມາກໍ່ແມ່ນພກຝ່າຍຄ້ານ Workers' Party ເຊິ່ງບໍ່ເຄີຍຊະນະການເລຶອກຕັ້ງຈັກເທຶ່ອ. ນອກນັ້ກໍ່ຍັງມີພັກນ້ອຍອີກ
It's the Xup-Nai-Din-Sin-Nai-Nam mentality that has made Lao people physically and mentally lazy, non-ambitious and non-competitive. It's the reason why Laos has been a backwarded country, exactly like many African countries that are very rich in natural ressources. The leaders in these countries are corrupted, sell the resources of the countries to enrich themselves and their families.
Now compare Laos and African countriers with countries poor in natural resources like Japan, South Korea, and others who have to work hard and ecuucate themselses on their poor soil and against natural disasters etc in order to survive. Now they have been thriving economically, while Laos and African countries are being exploited and their people are very uneducated.
I agree with you 100%. Singapore law is extremely strict, unlike other countries in ASEAN especially Laos. You will be fined or jailed no matter who you are, how much money you have, or who your parents are. If you violate the law, you can't escape. Singapore is one of the lowest crime rate and safest countries in the world.
Singapore government pays highest salary to high level officials because they want to keep the brightest, best people to work for government and therefore no corruption. Everything the government plans and do is very transparent to the public. Every decision of their minister or prime minister, makes a big difference to their country.
Have we ever seen any good decision made by Laos government? I have seen none.
If our country could follow what Singapore has done in the past, I believe our country could develop faster, even not as much as what Singapore is at today.
The major problem for Laos is corruption among high government officials.
Singapore is one party state after gianed independent from Malaysia in the 1965.
Don't show your stupidity. Singapore has more than one political parties as of now. The PAP has dominated seats in the parliament since its independence.
Singapore is one party state after gianed independent from Malaysia in the 1965.
Don't show your stupidity. Singapore has more than one political parties as of now. The PAP has dominated seats in the parliament since its independence.
OK , you are right I was wrong . it had been changed . Perhaps Germany before the world war ll Nazi only one party state.
I meant swap the government . Let the Singapore government to run Laos for 8 years and let Lao government run Singapore for 8 years .The let wait and see what are going to happen to Laos and to Singapore.
Most of Singapore presidents and its governments have high education degree plus their population are educated and 65% Singaporeans are skill workers.Singaporeans are hard working people.
Laos and its populations are very low education degree, most of Laos presidents and governments were not even graduated from high school except Prince Souphanouvong and former PM Bouasone. Especially Laotians are lazy working people ( Khee khanh aew gnow ), eat than sleep that's what they want to do daily.
That's what I saw the difference in between Laos and Singapore.
Most of Singapore presidents and its governments have high education degree plus their population are educated and 65% Singaporeans are skill workers.Singaporeans are hard working people.
Laos and its populations are very low education degree, most of Laos presidents and governments were not even graduated from high school except Prince Souphanouvong and former PM Bouasone. Especially Laotians are lazy working people ( Khee khanh aew gnow ), eat than sleep that's what they want to do daily.
That's what I saw the difference in between Laos and Singapore.
Most of Singapore presidents and its governments have high education degree plus their population are educated and 65% Singaporeans are skill workers.Singaporeans are hard working people.
Laos and its populations are very low education degree, most of Laos presidents and governments were not even graduated from high school except Prince Souphanouvong and former PM Bouasone. Especially Laotians are lazy working people ( Khee khanh aew gnow ), eat than sleep that's what they want to do daily.
That's what I saw the difference in between Laos and Singapore.
People who wrote in english above; could you please re-read your message and examine yourself if you are lao. Saying that may make you higher interm of dignity. you are living in civilised country but don't forget to make yourself and mind civilised too. And If your education level is lower than bachelor or master degree you should shut your mouth up since you have every good time to educate yourself but only look down laotian.
Most of Singapore presidents and its governments have high education degree plus their population are educated and 65% Singaporeans are skill workers.Singaporeans are hard working people.
Laos and its populations are very low education degree, most of Laos presidents and governments were not even graduated from high school except Prince Souphanouvong and former PM Bouasone. Especially Laotians are lazy working people ( Khi khanh news now ), eat than sleep that's what they want to do daily.
That's what I saw the difference in between Laos and Singapore.
People who wrote in english above; could you please re-read your message and examine yourself if you are lao. Saying that may make you higher in term of dignity. you are living in civilised country but don't forget to make yourself and mind civilised too. And If your education level is lower than bachelor or master degree you should shut your mouth up since you have every good time to educate yourself but only look down Laotian.
I am neutral I didn't write on any above but I will say the truth . Laotian take it easy and move very slow and have too many holiday .Singapore workers are working very hard even the Singaporean student study very hard and very discipline and respect the law and hardly see the simple law be broke by Singaporean such as littering in the public which Laotian have done right middle of the city and middle of day light. When it come to corruption .Singapore is very little corruption but Lao government corrupted from the top to bottom .Singapore work hard and study hard and little corruption . Laos is lazy , people are not well educated and government are corrupted. Laos was poor yesterday and is poor today and laos will be poor tomorrow. Government officers who have degree Phd and doctor only follow the order from the leader who are not well educated and don't dare to speak out for the Lao people so what good is it .They are afraid and don't dare to stick up for their own people only follow the order from the top.
Most of Singapore presidents and its governments have high education degree plus their population are educated and 65% Singaporeans are skill workers.Singaporeans are hard working people.
Laos and its populations are very low education degree, most of Laos presidents and governments were not even graduated from high school except Prince Souphanouvong and former PM Bouasone. Especially Laotians are lazy working people ( Khi khanh news now ), eat than sleep that's what they want to do daily.
That's what I saw the difference in between Laos and Singapore.
People who wrote in english above; could you please re-read your message and examine yourself if you are lao. Saying that may make you higher in term of dignity. you are living in civilised country but don't forget to make yourself and mind civilised too. And If your education level is lower than bachelor or master degree you should shut your mouth up since you have every good time to educate yourself but only look down Laotian.
I am neutral I didn't write on any above but I will say the truth . Laotian take it easy and move very slow and have too many holiday .Singapore workers are working very hard even the Singaporean student study very hard and very discipline and respect the law and hardly see the simple law be broke by Singaporean such as littering in the public which Laotian have done right middle of the city and middle of day light. When it come to corruption .Singapore is very little corruption but Lao government corrupted from the top to bottom .Singapore work hard and study hard and little corruption . Laos is lazy , people are not well educated and government are corrupted. Laos was poor yesterday and is poor today and laos will be poor tomorrow. Government officers who have degree Phd and doctor only follow the order from the leader who are not well educated and don't dare to speak out for the Lao people so what good is it .They are afraid and don't dare to stick up for their own people only follow the order from the top.
Most of Singapore presidents and its governments have high education degree plus their population are educated and 65% Singaporeans are skill workers.Singaporeans are hard working people.
Laos and its populations are very low education degree, most of Laos presidents and governments were not even graduated from high school except Prince Souphanouvong and former PM Bouasone. Especially Laotians are lazy working people ( Khee khanh aew gnow ), eat than sleep that's what they want to do daily.
That's what I saw the difference in between Laos and Singapore.
Most of Singapore presidents and its governments have high education degree plus their population are educated and 65% Singaporeans are skill workers.Singaporeans are hard working people.
Laos and its populations are very low education degree, most of Laos presidents and governments were not even graduated from high school except Prince Souphanouvong and former PM Bouasone. Especially Laotians are lazy working people ( Khee khanh aew gnow ), eat than sleep that's what they want to do daily.
That's what I saw the difference in between Laos and Singapore.
Most of Singapore presidents and its governments have high education degree plus their population are educated and 65% Singaporeans are skill workers.Singaporeans are hard working people.
Laos and its populations are very low education degree, most of Laos presidents and governments were not even graduated from high school except Prince Souphanouvong and former PM Bouasone. Especially Laotians are lazy working people ( Khee khanh aew gnow ), eat than sleep that's what they want to do daily.
That's what I saw the difference in between Laos and Singapore.
Master degree from Vietnam you don't have to go school for, just pay them onre thousand us dollar you got it.
( prinya ek jorm porm )
Phd from China don't have to go to school . The university just give to many leader of the states around the world .
There are many Laos leaders and the government officers received that kind of PHD from University in China. Their education degrees are only in a piece of certificate paper, they are not in their brains that's why Laos became a slow developing country.
What ever it is , Singapore is less corruption and their economy is very successful and their people have the choice to vote for the best person who they think is good for the nation and the country unless Laos which the people have no choice. All the decisions are made for them just Cuba , north Korea , and Libya during Dictator Muammar Gaddafi ruled. Education is the key to get the people out from poverty but the government don't want the people are too intelligent because it hard to control .So they like Lao people to be low educated and stay poor , it is easy to control and conquer .