ວາງນະໂຍບາຍເຮັດໃຫ້ປະເທດລາວກາຍເປັນປະເທດ Brain Gain ແລະຄິດວ່າຈະປະສົບຜົນສໍາເລັດ
ຕົວຢ່າງມີໄຫ້ເຫັນເຊັນເກົ້າຫຼີໃຕ້ແລະຊິງກະໂປ ຣັຖບານໃດ້ລົງທຸນເປັນຊວນໄຫຍໃນດ້ານການສືກສາ(ເລກແລະຟີສິກ Math & Physics ) ໃນສັຕວັດທີ19ຍິປຸນກໍຊົງນັກສືກສາໄປຣຽນຢູຢູໂຣດເພືອ (copy and modern their industry ).
Lao people don't actually understand the word "ສະຫລາດສ່ອງໃສ"
What it means is the following:
1. Always beg money from richer country 2. Stupid, lazy, lack of good leaderships 3. Always turn blind eyes 4. Giving land to China 5. Allowing their family relatives to do all kinds of illegal activities 6. Corruption 7. ....
Lao people don't actually understand the word "ສະຫລາດສ່ອງໃສ"
What it means is the following:
1. Always beg money from richer country 2. Stupid, lazy, lack of good leaderships 3. Always turn blind eyes 4. Giving land to China 5. Allowing their family relatives to do all kinds of illegal activities 6. Corruption 7. ....
Nothing is really good about "ສະຫລາດສ່ອງໃສ"
ຖ້າເຂົ້າໃຈບໍ່ຜິດ ຂໍ້1ທີ່ວ່າ Always beg money from richer country ໝາຍຄວາມວ່າປະເທດລາວຮັ່ງແລ້ວ ແຕ່ມັກຂໍເງິນນໍາປະເທດທີ່ຮັ່ງກ່ວາຕະລອດ, ຖ້າເວົ້າວ່າ Always
beg money from rich country ອາດຈະຖືກກ່ວາ.
ສໍາລັບຂໍ້ທີ4 ຄວນເວົ້າວ່າ Giving land to China and Vietnam.
ຂ້ານ້ອຍເຂົ້າໃຈວ່າ ສະຫລາດສ່ອງໃສແມ່ນໄດ້ກໍາໄລໂດຍບໍ່ຕ້ອງລົງທຶນ.
Lao people don't actually understand the word "ສະຫລາດສ່ອງໃສ"
What it means is the following:
1. Always beg money from richer country 2. Stupid, lazy, lack of good leaderships 3. Always turn blind eyes 4. Giving land to China 5. Allowing their family relatives to do all kinds of illegal activities 6. Corruption 7. ....
Nothing is really good about "ສະຫລາດສ່ອງໃສ"
ຖ້າເຂົ້າໃຈບໍ່ຜິດ ຂໍ້1ທີ່ວ່າ Always beg money from richer country ໝາຍຄວາມວ່າປະເທດລາວຮັ່ງແລ້ວ ແຕ່ມັກຂໍເງິນນໍາປະເທດທີ່ຮັ່ງກ່ວາຕະລອດ, ຖ້າເວົ້າວ່າ Always beg money from rich country ອາດຈະຖືກກ່ວາ. ສໍາລັບຂໍ້ທີ4 ຄວນເວົ້າວ່າ Giving land to China and Vietnam. ຂ້ານ້ອຍເຂົ້າໃຈວ່າ ສະຫລາດສ່ອງໃສແມ່ນໄດ້ກໍາໄລໂດຍບໍ່ຕ້ອງລົງທຶນ.
As a new generation kids, I pretty much blame on both gevernment Royal Government and current PDR government too. They both Suck that's all I can say...
As a new generation kids, I pretty much blame on both government Royal Government and current PDR government too. They both Suck that's all I can say...
Blame on both current government and the Royal government so what ? Will the thing be better ? Zero. The country could be more developed and also developped faster and better when the Lao people are well educated. The world is changing and South Korea and Singapore have done it in only few decades after the war . After the war south Korea and Singapore are poor just like Laos .Education is the key . Lao government should invest more money on Lao people by educated them. Every thing in this universe is possible since the Big Bang occured 13.7 billions years ago.
So just lay down and die . South Korea and Singapore were as poor as Laos 50 years ago perhaps worth some Korean because Korean were starved to death which Laos have never have the Lao people to stave to death in the Lao history. South Korean and Singapore started from a scrap as the video show above . What Laos need is a well educated and intelligent leader who is not selfish , corrupted and really is willing to delegate his time to rebuild the country and the nation. Laos is not a poor country which has a lot of natural resources than Singapore and south Korea. Laos need the leader and the government with brain to transform Laos out from poverty. No matter how much natural resource that the country has if the leader and the government have no brain , those resource will be gone and the country will be poor .
So just lay down and die . South Korea and Singapore were as poor as Laos 50 years ago perhaps worth some Korean because Korean were starved to death which Laos have never have the Lao people to stave to death in the Lao history. South Korean and Singapore started from a scrap as the video show above . What Laos need is a well educated and intelligent leader who is not selfish , corrupted and really is willing to delegate his time to rebuild the country and the nation. Laos is not a poor country which has a lot of natural resources than Singapore and south Korea. Laos need the leader and the government with brain to transform Laos out from poverty. No matter how much natural resource that the country has if the leader and the government have no brain , those resource will be gone and the country will be poor .
Laos was poor yesterday and is poor today and also will be poor tomorrow . Of course, Laos need a strong and well educated and intelligent leader .China knew the game and allowed the capitalism in China 4 decades ago unlike North Korea and Cuba still stuck with the stupid system . Cuba and North Korea and Laos are not poor countries but the system make the countries poor. Soviet Union collapsed and Berlin wall was torn down because the system was not working. China is the dictatorship system combined with the capitalism .Only the members of the high ranking Chinese government and their families and their business associated are rich and have a good living. Estimate about 150 millions Chinese have the good living and about 140 Chinese billionaires and about 40 million communist party members and families are rich and over 1 billion Chinese are still poor. Most of them are the factory labors who earn about or less than $3 per day.
China is dictatorship system combine with capitalism and is suck , regaular people could say a word against the dictator . North Korea , Cuba are also dictatorship system , they are not communist . Communist is every body are equal from top to bottom , farmers and people . That is a lie what it is the corrupted system.
Prime Minister Kaysone Phomvihanh addressed the nation on one year anniversary of Laos PDR were born in 1976 and said:
-Soviet Union will be giving Laos PDR every thing to develop the country and they ( Soviet Union ) will rebuild our country in 15 years to catch all the modern communist countries in East Europe. Laos will not asking or beg for help from the capitalism countries, or from the West and North America.
- Chakkaphat America is far behind Soviet Union if comparing in between these two countries. There are Two Hundred millions Americans are unemployed from 1972 to 1976. Soviet Union had only couple thousand people are unemployed the same year terms as Chakkaphat America.
- Laos PDR will not accepted the offer to help from Chakkaphat Yee-poon ( Japan ), Chakkaphat Thai ( Thailand ), Chakkaphat Falang ( France ), Chakkaphat Australia ( Australia ) and Faa-Cid year-ra-manh ( West Germany ).
In next 30 years ( 2005 ) Laos PDR will be developed more than Chakkaphat Thai ( Thailand ) hoy thao- phun thao ( 100 to 1000 times ) and Laos will be rich country in Asia.
There are over 35 years but Laos is still lack of developed the country, if comparing to Vietnam Laos is about 35 years behind. Laos will be developed in next century if Laos not invest more money on education. Pay foreigner professors, build more universities or colleges, give right opportunity to all class or level students to study inhouse university or in abroad's. Stop corruption to all the government employees ( from top to bottom ).
Prime Minister Kaysone Phomvihane addressed the nation on one year anniversary of Laos PDR were born in 1976 and said:
-Soviet Union will be giving Laos PDR every thing to develop the country and they ( Soviet Union ) will rebuild our country in 15 years to catch all the modern communist countries in East Europe. Laos will not asking or beg for help from the capitalism countries, or from the West and North America.
- Chakkraphat America is far behind Soviet Union if comparing in between these two countries. There are Two Hundred millions Americans are unemployed from 1972 to 1976. Soviet Union had only couple thousand people are unemployed the same year terms as Chakkraphat America.
- Laos PDR will not accepted the offer to help from Chakkraphat Yee-poon ( Japan ), Chakkraphat Thai ( Thailand ), Chakkraphat Falling ( France ), Chakkraphat Australia ( Australia ) and Faa-Cid year-ra-manh ( West Germany ).
In next 30 years ( 2005 ) Laos PDR will be developed more than Chakkraphat Thai ( Thailand ) hoi thao- phuong thao ( 100 to 1000 times ) and Laos will be rich country in Asia.
There are over 35 years but Laos is still lack of developed the country, if comparing to Vietnam Laos is about 35 years behind. Laos will be developed in next century if Laos not invest more money on education. Pay foreigner professors, build more universities or colleges, give right opportunity to all class or level students to study inhouse university or in abroad's. Stop corruption to all the government employees ( from top to bottom ).
Soviet Union herself collapsed because the system failed . So stupid that North Korea , Cuba and Laos still believe in that system that makes the country and the people poor. China is Capitalist country which ruled by a dictator and his regime .
ບໍ່ຄຶດວ່າສິມີຄົນປັນຍາອ່ອນ ແລ້ວເວົ້າສິ່ງໂງ່ໆ ແບບນີ້ອອກມາ. You are impeccably retarded for saying so... A free man will only want to live in a free world. Laos is NOT South Korea - in case you you don't know. Ask any South korean-american students if, after graduation, any one of them want to go help their motherland in the northern part called North Korea...
ບໍ່ຄຶດວ່າສິມີຄົນປັນຍາອ່ອນ ແລ້ວເວົ້າສິ່ງໂງ່ໆ ແບບນີ້ອອກມາ. You are impeccably retarded for saying so... A free man will only want to live in a free world. Laos is NOT South Korea - in case you you don't know. Ask any South Korean-American students if, after graduation, any one of them want to go help their motherland in the northern part called North Korea...
Yes and of course , all Korean want to help each other .The problem is , will the dictator regime allow them to help their cuisine and relative in north Korea ? You could see and witness the video of the Korean American go back to South Korea but not North Korea . South Korea economy is so successful while North Koran are starving to death. North Korea is not a poor country but the dictator and the system that make north Korea poor and the people starving to death. After the war south Korea were poorer than north Korea but in only few decades with intelligent leader and the government transformed south Korea out of poverty to the most modern country in Asia.The system is really make the different between north Korea and south Korea. The system that north Korea is failed . That was the reason why the Soviet Union was collapsed and the Berlin wall was torn down and Cuban people are still living in poverty after half century of revolution. Unlike China which is the dictatorship system combine with capitalism .
ບໍ່ຄຶດວ່າສິມີຄົນປັນຍາອ່ອນ ແລ້ວເວົ້າສິ່ງໂງ່ໆ ແບບນີ້ອອກມາ. You are impeccably retarded for saying so... A free man will only want to live in a free world. Laos is NOT South Korea - in case you you don't know. Ask any South Korean-American students if, after graduation, any one of them want to go help their motherland in the northern part called North Korea...
Yes and of course , all Korean want to help each other .The problem is , will the dictator regime allow them to help their cuisine and relative in north Korea ? You could see and witness the video of the Korean American go back to South Korea but not North Korea . South Korea economy is so successful while North Koran are starving to death. North Korea is not a poor country but the dictator and the system that make north Korea poor and the people starving to death. After the war south Korea were poorer than north Korea but in only few decades with intelligent leader and the government transformed south Korea out of poverty to the most modern country in Asia.The system is really make the different between north Korea and south Korea. The system that north Korea is failed . That was the reason why the Soviet Union was collapsed and the Berlin wall was torn down and Cuban people are still living in poverty after half century of revolution. Unlike China which is the dictatorship system combine with capitalism .