Your money is in your pocket. You have all the right to decide whether you want to spend the money out or not. If you are extremely against such kind of concert, don't buy the ticket for it in order that the said investment gets no benefit and then fades away because the rule of investment is "no demand-no supply".
Tango ( now beeline ) is the first company who surprice Lao people with this kind of present. before that no thing new, no thing surprise, in a jungle.
Your money is in your pocket. You have all the right to decide whether you want to spend the money out or not. If you are extremely against such kind of concert, don't buy the ticket for it in order that the said investment gets no benefit and then fades away because the rule of investment is "no demand-no supply".
I really don't think that he man understand what you said, otherwise, he wouldn't against this kinda social gethering thing.
This guy is a anti everthing they do. So why don't we vote him go back to the cave?????????????????????????????????
Your money is in your pocket. You have all the right to decide whether you want to spend the money out or not. If you are extremely against such kind of concert, don't buy the ticket for it in order that the said investment gets no benefit and then fades away because the rule of investment is "no demand-no supply".