I'm Laonork or you can call me Lao refugee or Lao obphayob. I was a former Laos National Law School or the popular name was IRDA and I was in the States since 1976. There are about 400 Lao amilies are living in my town and locals near by. Most of them and families member are having good jobs with good pay. They have their own houses that had been paid off, some retired and went trvel to laos and Thailand almost every year. Those Lao people in My town sent money to their relative in Laos evey month since the third month that they got there, ther are over 30 yers period. If we calculate we will; see how much the amount of money that they sent to Laos just from my town alone. How it could be if we count together from evey country that Lao refugee are living there? You should know how much money that Lao refugees helped Laos PDR government to make econmy growing?
I see only Lao people from Laos came to U.S. to work in Thai restaurant or some farm works with low pay rate ( 5-6 dollar per hour ) if they got lucky get the job.
Don't look down on Laonork people, my friend, if you have chance to come to Michigan I am very happy to show you my business there. I have the jobs for several Lao people from Laos to work in my company even those people aren't relate to me at all.
ຢູ່Melbourne, Australia ຄ່າໂທລະສັບຂອ້ຍມີແຕ່ $100/month ລວມທັງ
internet ພອ້ມ mobile phone $40/month for 2 ລາຍໄດ້ສ່ວນຫຼາຍກໍແມ່ນມີສອງຄົນ ເພາະທັງສອງຜົວເມັຽເຮັດວຽກ ໂຮງໝໍ ໂຮງຮຽນ ຟຣີ ຄ່າໄຟ ຄ່ານ້ຳ ກະບໍ່ເຄີຍໄດ້ເສັຽຫຼາຍປານນັ້ນດອກຕໍ່ເດືອນ
lao nok's life today facing unemplyment , high cost of living , healtcare is sky rocket high , new generation kids are unable to stand on their own feet, and more....
Well! I am olso Laonok, but I have a very brief comment on this article.
Not all Laonok take advantage of what the best country in the world has offered! Many has made many successes, such as in their education, businesses, and support their children to go to college ect... But there are some Laonok, especially who did not have an opportunity to pursue their higher education due to the facts that they have to work support their families to allow their children for better education. So that way, they can be more productive in the American society. All in all, life in America is much better than many countries around the world. For example, unemployment person can receive a very decent amount of money to support their family. I personally think it's satisfied. For some people who work at the minimum wage, I think they are still happy and I believe things are getting better when they fully structure themselves for better in the future. Last certain not least, I truly believe for all Laonok who live in ,especially the US will prosper and enjoy their freedom. Thanks!!!!
-ອິງຕາມ 2007 American Community SurveyPopulation Group: Laotian alone or in any combinationin the United StatesTotal 221,420 ຄົນ, ໃນນັ້ນ ເປັນເພດຊາຍ 109,160 ຄົນ (49.3%); ເປັນເພດຍິງ 112,260 ຄົນ(50.7%); ເດັກນ້ອຍຕໍ່ກ່ວາ ອາຍຸ 18 ປີ 70,290 ຄົນ (31.75%)
Well! I am olso Laonok, but I have a very brief comment on this article.
Not all Laonok take advantage of what the best country in the world has offered! Many has made many successes, such as in their education, businesses, and support their children to go to college ect... But there are some Laonok, especially who did not have an opportunity to pursue their higher education due to the facts that they have to work support their families to allow their children for better education. So that way, they can be more productive in the American society. All in all, life in America is much better than many countries around the world. For example, unemployment person can receive a very decent amount of money to support their family. I personally think it's satisfied. For some people who work at the minimum wage, I think they are still happy and I believe things are getting better when they fully structure themselves for better in the future. Last certain not least, I truly believe for all Laonok who live in ,especially the US will prosper and enjoy their freedom. Thanks!!!!
My perspective about why some of Lao Nauwks' children didn't have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams do to the following facts: some of them were just simply have no interest of getting a higher educations, parents were not financially able to pay for their college tuition,and some of them were neglected by parents who were too busy socializing and partying during weekends!
I'm 50 years old and unemplyed can't find a job to replace that i lost in recently , jobs are moving away to Mexico and some to china ,i have no insurance , no healthcare , i have a lot of bills to pay , kids are in college , ooy ouk jai lai der , don't know what to do anyone can help , khit yark kub moung lao leo , that's only way out......
I'm 50 years old and unemplyed can't find a job to replace that i lost in recently , jobs are moving away to Mexico and some to china ,i have no insurance , no healthcare , i have a lot of bills to pay , kids are in college , ooy ouk jai lai der , don't know what to do anyone can help , khit yark kub moung lao leo , that's only way out......
Why, cause there are more jobs in Laos with better pay incompairison to
America? Or you just want to go help Lao PDR begging for more money
from America and hope that you'll get a fair share of it ບໍພໍ່ຕູ້ ( Pauh touh)?
I'm 50 years old and unemplyed can't find a job to replace that i lost in recently , jobs are moving away to Mexico and some to china ,i have no insurance , no healthcare , i have a lot of bills to pay , kids are in college , ooy ouk jai lai der , don't know what to do anyone can help , khit yark kub moung lao leo , that's only way out......
thank you for your advice . what would you do if you face the same situation like i face it today? it is easy for you to say that . why don 't you put yourself in my situation and i will put myself in yours , and you will think the samething , maybe it's not your turn yet just wait will see one of this day might be your turn.....
I'm 50 years old and unemplyed can't find a job to replace that i lost in recently , jobs are moving away to Mexico and some to china ,i have no insurance , no healthcare , i have a lot of bills to pay , kids are in college , ooy ouk jai lai der , don't know what to do anyone can help , khit yark kub moung lao leo , that's only way out......
You didn't said how long you were out of job ? usually when you out of job you can collect the unemployment check for 6 month after 6 month, they (the labor department) will extended another 20 weeks. and Obama's administration just signed unemployment benefit the end of last year don't nenefit from that too ? Well, I do not know your circumstances.So if you live here long enough you probably know how to get around the system like other residences.
ທ່ານອາດຈະບໍ່ມີໍູກຫລືປຢັດໄດ້ ສ່ວນປູ້ຂ້າມີລູກສາມຄົນກຳລັງໃຫຍ່ກຳລັງກິນ ສະພາບຕ່າງກັນຫລາຍກັຍSydney ຄ່ານຳ້ຄ່າໄຟບໍ່ໄດ້ເສັຽກະຢາກຮູ້ນໍວໍວ່າມີຢູ່ໃນAustralia or you living at nursing home?
ທ່ານອາດຈະບໍ່ມີໍູກຫລືປຢັດໄດ້ ສ່ວນປູ້ຂ້າມີລູກສາມຄົນກຳລັງໃຫຍ່ກຳລັງກິນ ສະພາບຕ່າງກັນຫລາຍກັຍSydney ຄ່ານຳ້ຄ່າໄຟບໍ່ໄດ້ເສັຽກະຢາກຮູ້ນໍວໍວ່າມີຢູ່ໃນAustralia or you living at nursing home?
ບໍ່ເຂົ້າໃຈຄໍາຖາມຂອງທ່ານ. ຕາມທີ່ເຂົ້າໃຈ Nursing Home ແມ່ນເຮືອນຄົນໄຂ້ທີ່ບໍ່ສາມາດຊ່ອຍຕົນເອງໄດ້ ຕ້ອງມີພະຍາບານພິເສດເປັນຜູ່ບົວລະບັດເບິ່ງແຍງທຸກສິ່ງທຸກຢ່າງ.
please !! i want to go back to laos, i have no job my job is moving to Mexico , ou, ouk jai lai ,,, yarm hao mee khao jeung wah phee nong , yarm hao tok up khao hen hao pen mah. khid yark kub lao leo.
please !! i want to go back to laos, i have no job my job is moving to Mexico , ou, ouk jai lai ,,, yarm hao mee khao jeung wah phee nong , yarm hao tok up khao hen hao pen mah. khid yark kub lao leo.
please !! i want to go back to laos, i have no job my job is moving to Mexico , ou, ouk jai lai ,,, yarm hao mee khao jeung wah phee nong , yarm hao tok up khao hen hao pen mah. khid yark kub lao leo.
The United States is not a perfect country but it is the land of the opportunity for somebody who have the dream and want to pursue their dreams and make it come true. The most important is the freedom , freedom of speech , the right to vote ( democracy ) unlike living in the country which is rule by the dictator and have no right to vote and injustice system. Every decision the dictator will make them for the people , regardless of the people like it or not .For the people who are living in the United States to be successful and to make it in life that is up to the individual. Every Lao American kids or Lao refugee kids have their chances to go to school and have the opportunity to be successful . Don't blame any one if they don't make it life because they dropped out from school and joined the gang and end up work for minimum wage for McDonald or wash car and the parking lot and washing the toilet . Lao American kids have more opportunity than any other kids in a lot of countries in the world. For the Lao American or Lao refugee who are going to lose their jobs and are living on welfare , to my understanding they are still better than the Chinese workers who are working 12 hours and day and 6 days a week in China or Russia . If they think that they could have a better living condition in Laos or in China or north Korea and Cuba that is their choices them have the right to go any where their please unlike in north Korea and Cuba. There are millions and millions rich and poor people from China , Russia and every part of the world would like to come and live in the United States . Event the rich Chinese tourists and pregnant women plan to give born to their children in the United States so their children will have the right to be the US citizen.The United States is the melting pot . Some dream might come and some might not . For me life is great and the world is wonderful .I work hard all year and take few weeks vacation and travel any where I please.
That is different subject . What I am talking about is the living condition between Lao American refugees workers and the Chinese workers who earn about $3 dollars per day . Of course , President Obama wants the American billionaires investors and American big corporations such as Apple & Levis...etc to move the factories from China , India . Mexico and other countries to the US. So the American workers could have the jobs. As you know the US is the free country the American investors will move their factories to any where that they could make more money and save money on labors which has no union pay , no pension , no work comp and no benefit and what so ever and don't have to worry about environment toxic wast ...etc.. This topic is about the life of Lao nork in the United States, complained about the life is stinks and the world is hell that . Don't blame any one but themselves. As I said the United States is not a perfect country but it is the land of the opportunity for any one who has the dream. China is the rich country but they don't spend much money for their citizen like the United States spending on the social security, welfare ,education , disability ( handicap ), medical ..etc... The United States is broke because they are care for the well being of their citizen . Unlike China only the high ranking government officers and their families and their business associate are rich and have a good living condition. Estimate about 140 billionaires and 40 million members of their party and families and about 300 millions Chinese are rich and have a good living condition and about 1 billion Chinese are still poor.