A typical Siamese that want to claim everything even thing that not belong to them! the whole world knowing that the Siamese are the most poisionous people in this Region! SHAME ON YOU SIAMESE!!!
Buk hoo khee, Who the hell told you that Lan Xang Beeb Bang Kub and take Phakeo to Lan Xang ? Who the hell told you that ? Chakri History textbook ? Did you know that who was Pha Chao Saisetha Thirath ? if you don't, Please shut you mouth now asshol.
A: ma der, ma der, phai warng na, ma arn comment ka jao tieng gun, B: bor, khoy bor warng, khoy hat homework u, C: khoy arn leo, tae khoy kor leum mun ek leo, jao warng jao arn khone diew sa, Fan bork lerk yon khoy bor phat tha na to eng, khoy kum lung khit ja phat tha na to eng jung dai u,
We should not take these sayings seriously at all. This is a kind of backward mentality. Someone with a decent education will not believe in this kind of thinking. By reading such statements, other countries will laugh at us and think why Laos is behind others.