On Wednesday morning, Mr. Manop Roeknirun paid a visit to Pattaya Police Station to file a report that he had been robbed by a Laos woman, at his apartment in North Pattaya. He stated that he met the woman, named Ann, who had arrived in Pattaya to find work.
Taking pity on her he invited her back to stay with him, which she accepted. Things seemed honky dory for the Thai, until that morning when she borrowed his motorcycle to go visit a local beauty shop – and never returned. Feeling jilted, he then realized that he had been robbed of 55,000 baht, his mobile phone and loads of expensive gold chains.
He managed to recover his bike at a local gas station, when he went out to search for the canny lady, only to be told that she hitched a ride with a lorry driver heading towards Bangkok. In a preliminary investigation, police made a check of the CCTV at the gas station in order to issue an arrest warrant from the court, and also coordinated with Immigration to stop the culprit. The victim also announced a reward of 20,000 Baht for anyone who can give a clue resulting to the arrest of this woman.