I really think we, Lao need to change their name from Thailand to KareeLand, w'll see how they feel about it . and for some bad behavors just call them Loukaree. They don't care about yours&my feeling, why do we have to care about them, Fug Them.....
Good!! About time Siamese will Learn. Next time,when they look down or talk **** about Lao esan, they will get hurt ,again. Som nam nor...man dair.5555...
SOM NUM NAR a Lao Esan guy who stab his fellow Thai guy by the way he will be ended up behind bars. There are 99% security guards in Bangkok are Lao Esan, no wonder of this case was came from look down on Lao, I don't believe this news at all.
This person is same person who his brain is damaged and he has " ARKA-TEE " with Thai people and Laos PDR. He is Lao and living in oversea, his Thai writing is incorrect.
This person is same person who his brain is damaged and he has " ARKA-TEE " with Thai people and Laos PDR. He is Lao and living in oversea, his Thai writing is incorrect.
You're sick man or what????????
You guys.....Plez don't jump to conclusion just yet. He may be Thai and may be a good Thai. You see, not all Thais are bad ok.
I really think we, Lao need to change their name from Thailand to KareeLand, w'll see how they feel about it . and for some bad behavors just call them Loukaree. They don't care about yours&my feeling, why do we have to care about them, Fug Them.....