Not only a Dicxie cab drivers, some of an empployee who worked at the Immigration desk became a A$$hole as well. Even most of the these Dicxie Cab drivers and Immigration desk are from Esarn provinces but they pretended like they are a upper class Bangkokian... No wonder Khon Krungthep look down on them and make fun of these clowns... Last time I was layed over at the Airport in Thailand, those Idiot cops toke my passport and disppear a few minutes and came out with three hole punched on my passport, I almost had a teary eye and sweared at them at the sametime and they pretended they don't understand what I was saying but they do, they just embarrassed to the westerners on the line..... so when I landed at my homeport JFK, the Cops asked me why my passport has a hole on it. I told them that the a$$hole cops in Thailand did it. and then the Immigration cops at JFK told me that any American passport that has the hole on it, Its invalid... Keep that in mind my lao brother, do not allow those idiot do it to you like me, ok.
About '' Doo Took Khon'' either their surrounding neighbors or their own people, Nobody is better than the ''Thais'' believe me I do my observation on these people from: In the Street, Entertainment, to Politicians, they all say it. that's why their kids follow them lead... and it' not just happen today or yesturday, Its been going on for over hundred of years, and its in their blood and hard to get ride of it now. and so far i only a country that shut them good is Singapore and Korea because these countries were far a head of them, and who else that these Siamese lick their a$$ ? White man, especially the Yankee.......
Thank you very very much to one who make the video clip that is the bigget lesson we are learning with out this we never know what Thai thinking about Lao!
I just got back from New York today.vacationing for four days. In New York
my friends and I went to Thai Restuarant and order papaya salad. first of all why Thai restaurant selling Paya salad"tum mak hoong"
that is Lao food, and also they have desert,
Mango on coconut sticky rice. Uh tell me what is wrong with this picture. that is also Lao food. anything with sticky rice is lao food.
and this Thai Restaurant called.
"WUNDEE SIAM" hahahahahahaha
when they found out that my friends and I are lao Vientiane, they are little imbrassed or
they not. by sell Lao food.
sorry for my English, I'am little lazy too type.
just wanted to shared with you guys.
Why would they be embarassed for selling Lao food? You should be proud that our food is delicious. Do you also think Americans should be embarassed to sell Italian food?