Am i embarruss to see this ? No definitely not. As a lao Nok, I've seen far worth than in the photo in Developing world... I can names the country, but i rather not..
Am i embarruss to see this ? No definitely not. As a lao Nok, I've seen far worth than in the photo in Developing world... I can names the country, but i rather not..
You are not Lao Nok no Lao Nok write English like this azz hole!
Laos is a rich country of wood. 35 years of new PDR is more worsen then old royal Laos country. Laos pdr govt. Wake up and open your eyes and look behind your back yard to see what went wrong with your schools building? Bring the woods and finished school building not just save the wood to legal export to Vietnam to make you own money.
Laos is a rich country of wood. 35 years of new PDR is more worsen then old royal Laos country. Laos pdr govt. Wake up and open your eyes and look behind your back yard to see what went wrong with your schools building? Bring the woods and finished school building not just save the wood to legal export to Vietnam to make you own money.
Hey don't try to stirup trouble between Lao Nauwk & Lao Nai OK, azz hole!
Am i embarruss to see this ? No definitely not. As a lao Nok, I've seen far worth than in the photo in Developing world... I can names the country, but i rather not..
You are not Lao Nok no Lao Nok write English like this azz hole!
555, Why are insulted the guy who is trying to be positive about the School Photo ? Do you understand what he was trying to put his point across ? I think not, Because you called the guy'' @ss-Ho....
Laos is a rich country of wood. 35 years of new PDR is more worsen then old royal Laos country. Laos pdr govt. Wake up and open your eyes and look behind your back yard to see what went wrong with your schools building? Bring the woods and finished school building not just save the wood to legal export to Vietnam to make you own money.
Hey don't try to stirup trouble between Lao Nauwk & Lao Nai OK, azz hole!
Who stir up trouble AZ HO? That picture is telling the world that Laos PDR governments are not keep eyes their schools systems or education ministration fail to complete build the schools in laos. Ther are not just this one 100 and 100 schools are incompleted built all over Laos from North to South. Some corruption were going on in schools building projects that's why the schools construction are incompleted. Open you FUGGING eyes AZ HO.
Laos is a rich country of wood. 35 years of new PDR is more worsen then old royal Laos country. Laos pdr govt. Wake up and open your eyes and look behind your back yard to see what went wrong with your schools building? Bring the woods and finished school building not just save the wood to legal export to Vietnam to make you own money.
Hey don't try to stirup trouble between Lao Nauwk & Lao Nai OK, azz hole!
Who stir up trouble AZ HO? That picture is telling the world that Laos PDR governments are not keep eyes their schools systems or education ministration fail to complete build the schools in laos. Ther are not just this one 100 and 100 schools are incompleted built all over Laos from North to South. Some corruption were going on in schools building projects that's why the schools construction are incompleted. Open you FUGGING eyes AZ HO.
I'm not ganna respond to your dumb azz comment just to give your evil intention any satisfaction OK!!!
ຂໍຖາມພວກທ່ານແດ່ລະບອບເກົ່າໂຮງຮຽນ High school ຢູ່ວຽງຈັນມີປະມານຈັກແຫ່ງ ແຕ່ທີ່ຮູ້ຢູ່ແຂວງວຽງຈັນມີພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວຄີ ຢູ່ ໂຟນໝີ. ເປັນຫຍັງລັດທະບານຕອນນັ້ນຄືມາສ້າງໜ້ອຍແທ້ໝົດແຂວງມີໂຮງຮຽນ high school ພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວ ຫຼື ຢ້ານຄົນມີຄວາມຮູ້ຄວາມສະຫຼາດແລ້ວເຂົາຈະມາຄົ້ນລົ້ມລະບອບຕົນເອງ ເຖິງເຮັດປ້ານນັ້ນກໍ່ຢັງບໍ່ສາມາດຮັກສາອໍານາດໄວ້ໄດ້ເນາະ
I just coundn't believe that some us here is trying to turn some positve into a negative issue, as i've read the comments, most of them are very positive but one that tried to be a negative and called names and insulted...
ຂໍຖາມພວກທ່ານແດ່ລະບອບເກົ່າໂຮງຮຽນ High school ຢູ່ວຽງຈັນມີປະມານຈັກແຫ່ງ ແຕ່ທີ່ຮູ້ຢູ່ແຂວງວຽງຈັນມີພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວຄີ ຢູ່ ໂຟນໝີ. ເປັນຫຍັງລັດທະບານຕອນນັ້ນຄືມາສ້າງໜ້ອຍແທ້ໝົດແຂວງມີໂຮງຮຽນ high school ພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວ ຫຼື ຢ້ານຄົນມີຄວາມຮູ້ຄວາມສະຫຼາດແລ້ວເຂົາຈະມາຄົ້ນລົ້ມລະບອບຕົນເອງ ເຖິງເຮັດປ້ານນັ້ນກໍ່ຢັງບໍ່ສາມາດຮັກສາອໍານາດໄວ້ໄດ້ເນາະ
ຂໍຖາມພວກທ່ານແດ່ລະບອບເກົ່າໂຮງຮຽນ High school ຢູ່ວຽງຈັນມີປະມານຈັກແຫ່ງ ແຕ່ທີ່ຮູ້ຢູ່ແຂວງວຽງຈັນມີພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວຄີ ຢູ່ ໂຟນໝີ. ເປັນຫຍັງລັດທະບານຕອນນັ້ນຄືມາສ້າງໜ້ອຍແທ້ໝົດແຂວງມີໂຮງຮຽນ high school ພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວ ຫຼື ຢ້ານຄົນມີຄວາມຮູ້ຄວາມສະຫຼາດແລ້ວເຂົາຈະມາຄົ້ນລົ້ມລະບອບຕົນເອງ ເຖິງເຮັດປ້ານນັ້ນກໍ່ຢັງບໍ່ສາມາດຮັກສາອໍານາດໄວ້ໄດ້ເນາະ
ຂໍຖາມພວກທ່ານແດ່ລະບອບເກົ່າໂຮງຮຽນ High school ຢູ່ວຽງຈັນມີປະມານຈັກແຫ່ງ ແຕ່ທີ່ຮູ້ຢູ່ແຂວງວຽງຈັນມີພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວຄີ ຢູ່ ໂຟນໝີ. ເປັນຫຍັງລັດທະບານຕອນນັ້ນຄືມາສ້າງໜ້ອຍແທ້ໝົດແຂວງມີໂຮງຮຽນ high school ພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວ ຫຼື ຢ້ານຄົນມີຄວາມຮູ້ຄວາມສະຫຼາດແລ້ວເຂົາຈະມາຄົ້ນລົ້ມລະບອບຕົນເອງ ເຖິງເຮັດປ້ານນັ້ນກໍ່ຢັງບໍ່ສາມາດຮັກສາອໍານາດໄວ້ໄດ້ເນາະ
I don't think you are people from Vientiane. A school that you're talking about, then was Prevalence Fangum school, is in Ban Phonmy Muong phonhong Province Vientiane. There is in Ban Sokpaluang across from Lao Electict company in Vientiane ( Kampheng nakorn Vientiane ). And there are in many big cities in Laos like Parkse, Savannakheth, Luang Prabang, Sayaboury and Huaysay also. They were given from United States Of America and those school was same as high school in the U.S. ( I am talking about the school teaching systems ).
You are wrong if you said they built only one single high school. Every city has a high school, but Laos call College ( Mattayom ton ) they don't call high school. In Vientiane itself had about 4 colleges beside Lycee de Vientiane, private colleges aren't include , during that time that you are talking about.
ຂໍຖາມພວກທ່ານແດ່ລະບອບເກົ່າໂຮງຮຽນ High school ຢູ່ວຽງຈັນມີປະມານຈັກແຫ່ງ ແຕ່ທີ່ຮູ້ຢູ່ແຂວງວຽງຈັນມີພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວຄີ ຢູ່ ໂຟນໝີ. ເປັນຫຍັງລັດທະບານຕອນນັ້ນຄືມາສ້າງໜ້ອຍແທ້ໝົດແຂວງມີໂຮງຮຽນ high school ພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວ ຫຼື ຢ້ານຄົນມີຄວາມຮູ້ຄວາມສະຫຼາດແລ້ວເຂົາຈະມາຄົ້ນລົ້ມລະບອບຕົນເອງ ເຖິງເຮັດປ້ານນັ້ນກໍ່ຢັງບໍ່ສາມາດຮັກສາອໍານາດໄວ້ໄດ້ເນາະ
I don't think you are people from Vientiane. A school that you're talking about, then was Prevalence Fangum school, is in Ban Phonmy Muong phonhong Province Vientiane. There is in Ban Sokpaluang across from Lao Electict company in Vientiane ( Kampheng nakorn Vientiane ). And there are in many big cities in Laos like Parkse, Savannakheth, Luang Prabang, Sayaboury and Huaysay also. They were given from United States Of America and those school was same as high school in the U.S. ( I am talking about the school teaching systems ).
You are wrong if you said they built only one single high school. Every city has a high school, but Laos call College ( Mattayom ton ) they don't call high school. In Vientiane itself had about 4 colleges beside Lycee de Vientiane, private colleges aren't include , during that time that you are talking about.
ລະບົບການສຶກສາລະບອບເກົ່າຖືວ່າດີ ເພາະ ອີງໃສ່ລະບົບ ຝຣັ່ງ ແຕ່ບຸກຄົນທີ່ໄດ້ຮັບການສຶກສາມັນບໍ່ທົ່ວເຖິ່ງ ທົ່ວນະຄອນຫຼວງມີພຽງ 4 ແຫ່ງເຈົ້າຄິດວ່າມັນພຽງພໍຫຼືບໍ່ ຄະໜາດຢູ່ເມືອງຫຼວງຂອງປະເທດຍັງມີເທົ່ານັ້ນ ແລະ ຢູ່ເຂດຊົນນະບົດເດຈະເປັນແນວໃດ. ເຫັນຊ່ວງບົດປ່ອຍໃໝ່ພັກ ລັດໄດ້ເອົາປະຊາຊົນມາຮຽນປະຊາສຶກສາເນື້ອງຈາກບໍ່ຮູ້ໜັງສື. ອັນນີ້ຢູ່ລາວເພິ່ນຮ້ອງເດີພໍ່ອາວ ມັດທະຍົມຕົ້ນ secondary school, ມັດທະຍົມປາຍ high school, ວິທະຍາໄລ college ອັນນີ້ລະດັບວິຊາຊີບ, ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລ university ບໍ່ຮູ້ວ່າຢູ່ອາເມລິກາມີຄວາມໝາຍຄືກັນຫຼືບໍ່
ຂໍຖາມພວກທ່ານແດ່ລະບອບເກົ່າໂຮງຮຽນ High school ຢູ່ວຽງຈັນມີປະມານຈັກແຫ່ງ ແຕ່ທີ່ຮູ້ຢູ່ແຂວງວຽງຈັນມີພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວຄີ ຢູ່ ໂຟນໝີ. ເປັນຫຍັງລັດທະບານຕອນນັ້ນຄືມາສ້າງໜ້ອຍແທ້ໝົດແຂວງມີໂຮງຮຽນ high school ພຽງແຫ່ງດຽວ ຫຼື ຢ້ານຄົນມີຄວາມຮູ້ຄວາມສະຫຼາດແລ້ວເຂົາຈະມາຄົ້ນລົ້ມລະບອບຕົນເອງ ເຖິງເຮັດປ້ານນັ້ນກໍ່ຢັງບໍ່ສາມາດຮັກສາອໍານາດໄວ້ໄດ້ເນາະ
I don't think you are people from Vientiane. A school that you're talking about, then was Prevalence Fangum school, is in Ban Phonmy Muong phonhong Province Vientiane. There is in Ban Sokpaluang across from Lao Electict company in Vientiane ( Kampheng nakorn Vientiane ). And there are in many big cities in Laos like Parkse, Savannakheth, Luang Prabang, Sayaboury and Huaysay also. They were given from United States Of America and those school was same as high school in the U.S. ( I am talking about the school teaching systems ).
You are wrong if you said they built only one single high school. Every city has a high school, but Laos call College ( Mattayom ton ) they don't call high school. In Vientiane itself had about 4 colleges beside Lycee de Vientiane, private colleges aren't include , during that time that you are talking about.
ລະບົບການສຶກສາລະບອບເກົ່າຖືວ່າດີ ເພາະ ອີງໃສ່ລະບົບ ຝຣັ່ງ ແຕ່ບຸກຄົນທີ່ໄດ້ຮັບການສຶກສາມັນບໍ່ທົ່ວເຖິ່ງ ທົ່ວນະຄອນຫຼວງມີພຽງ 4 ແຫ່ງເຈົ້າຄິດວ່າມັນພຽງພໍຫຼືບໍ່ ຄະໜາດຢູ່ເມືອງຫຼວງຂອງປະເທດຍັງມີເທົ່ານັ້ນ ແລະ ຢູ່ເຂດຊົນນະບົດເດຈະເປັນແນວໃດ. ເຫັນຊ່ວງບົດປ່ອຍໃໝ່ພັກ ລັດໄດ້ເອົາປະຊາຊົນມາຮຽນປະຊາສຶກສາເນື້ອງຈາກບໍ່ຮູ້ໜັງສື. ອັນນີ້ຢູ່ລາວເພິ່ນຮ້ອງເດີພໍ່ອາວ ມັດທະຍົມຕົ້ນ secondary school, ມັດທະຍົມປາຍ high school, ວິທະຍາໄລ college ອັນນີ້ລະດັບວິຊາຊີບ, ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລ university ບໍ່ຮູ້ວ່າຢູ່ອາເມລິກາມີຄວາມໝາຍຄືກັນຫຼືບໍ່
The Royal of Laos education before 75's was 10 times better than Laos PDR today. The Vientiane's then was 100 times less than Vientiane today also, that's why our government had only 4 colleges ( SAMANH SUIKSA) in the city like: Mattayom Saphangmor, Mattayom Sikhay, Mattayom Nongsangthor ( Phonesa-ath ) and Lycee Vientiane.
Mattayom Tone Lao calls COLLEGE ( french language )= Middle school Mattayom Pai = Lycee ( French language ) Vithayalay in lao= High school.