I feel the same way you said that and don't blam yourself to much and verything you hate about thai just put inside your heart. things will go around and come around if thai can made thing that sell to Lao that' ok, they need money to their pay debt and they need sell their stuff to lao it is ok and who els they gona buy to accept lao because every they eat simility to lao and other countries around not gona buy it even 99.9% thai imports from another country such as U S. European countries etc.. to use their country. Let ok thai have good airport and they need every customer they can get especially lao customer is about money and they need to pay their debt. thai does not made things you buy in Laos. Everythings they smart at you because their look good and have everthing they needs, but underneath at all that mostly foreignors owner and invest in there. and the foreignors made in thai and locate made thailand that sell to lao.
I feel the same way you said that and don't blam yourself to much and verything you hate about thai just put inside your heart. things will go around and come around if thai can made thing that sell to Lao that' ok, they need money to their pay debt and they need sell their stuff to lao it is ok and who els they gona buy to accept lao because every they eat simility to lao and other countries around not gona buy it even 99.9% thai imports from another country such as U S. European countries etc.. to use their country. Let ok thai have good airport and they need every customer they can get especially lao customer is about money and they need to pay their debt. thai does not made things you buy in Laos. Everythings they smart at you because their look good and have everthing they needs, but underneath at all that mostly foreignors owner and invest in there. and the foreignors made in thai and locate made thailand that sell to lao.
Let thai people said anything they want about lao and lao is not poor country in world and just only undevelopement. people live happy and peaceful. unlikely china, Thailand and Vietnam. According the world economic and world bank report statistic, china still poor event the ecomomic booming estate 5000- 6000 per capita. Thailand 65 million people live there and still poorer than lao and they earn 4000 - 5000 per capita and Vietnam 80 million people live 1000 - 2000 per capita that under proverty. lao people live comportable 700-1000 per capita with lower population estate 6.3 million people.
Let thai people said anything they want about lao and lao is not poor country in world and just only undevelopement. people live happy and peaceful. unlikely china, Thailand and Vietnam. According the world economic and world bank report statistic, china still poor event the ecomomic booming estate 5000- 6000 per capita. Thailand 65 million people live there and still poorer than lao and they earn 4000 - 5000 per capita and Vietnam 80 million people live 1000 - 2000 per capita that under proverty. lao people live comportable 700-1000 per capita with lower population estate 6.3 million people.
คนลาวด่าไทย เกลียจไทย แต่ลาว ออกตลาดเมืองไทย Screw my mother ผมก็พอใจแล้วครับ. 55555555555555
Let thai people said anything they want about lao and lao is not poor country in world and just only undevelopement. people live happy and peaceful. unlikely china, Thailand and Vietnam. According the world economic and world bank report statistic, china still poor event the ecomomic booming estate 5000- 6000 per capita. Thailand 65 million people live there and still poorer than lao and they earn 4000 - 5000 per capita and Vietnam 80 million people live 1000 - 2000 per capita that under proverty. lao people live comportable 700-1000 per capita with lower population estate 6.3 million people.
คนลาวด่าไทย เกลียจไทย แต่ลาว ออกตลาดเมืองไทย Screw my mother ผมก็พอใจแล้วครับ. 55555555555555
Hey. I'm from Thailand. But I don't understand "ออกตลาด"
Let thai people said anything they want about lao and lao is not poor country in world and just only undevelopement. people live happy and peaceful. unlikely china, Thailand and Vietnam. According the world economic and world bank report statistic, china still poor event the ecomomic booming estate 5000- 6000 per capita. Thailand 65 million people live there and still poorer than lao and they earn 4000 - 5000 per capita and Vietnam 80 million people live 1000 - 2000 per capita that under proverty. lao people live comportable 700-1000 per capita with lower population estate 6.3 million people.
คนลาวด่าไทย เกลียจไทย แต่ลาว ออกตลาดเมืองไทย Screw my mother ผมก็พอใจแล้วครับ. 55555555555555
Hey. I'm from Thailand. But I don't understand "ออกตลาด"
Let thai people said anything they want about lao and lao is not poor country in world and just only undevelopement. people live happy and peaceful. unlikely china, Thailand and Vietnam. According the world economic and world bank report statistic, china still poor event the ecomomic booming estate 5000- 6000 per capita. Thailand 65 million people live there and still poorer than lao and they earn 4000 - 5000 per capita and Vietnam 80 million people live 1000 - 2000 per capita that under proverty. lao people live comportable 700-1000 per capita with lower population estate 6.3 million people.
คนลาวด่าไทย เกลียจไทย แต่ลาว ออกตลาดเมืองไทย Screw my mother ผมก็พอใจแล้วครับ. 55555555555555
I don't see Lao people from Vientiane go shopping in Bangkok daily. How come you said " Lao ork talad muong thai " ? Lao Vientiane go shopping in NongKhay, Oudon and sometime in Khonkene, Lao Thakherk go Nakhonpranom, Lao Savannakheth go Mukdahanh and Lao Champasack go Ubon, those Thai cyties were belong to Laos. I don't see Thai Esan speak Thai to their Lao customers, they are always speaking Lao to each other.
The truth is Lao ork talad kub khon laoEsan, it's not " lao ork talad muong thai " Esan people and Lao people are same Lao, and we are more than friends and do business together and care each other too.
In other hand, Thai people are not going to shop in Laos, they are only going to Casino and giving away money in Laos more than Lao people had done to Thailand. [ khoy kor phor jai leo ]