i saw Monk in Lao PDR buy stock Exchange in the center Trade. click web at www.manager.co.th/ and click Indochina then Click on Laos. you will see Monk
i saw Monk in Lao PDR buy stock Exchange in the center Trade. click web at www.manager.co.th/ and click Indochina then Click on Laos. you will see Monk
After I read Thai media wrote that Lao PDR Monk is buying stock, I feel numb a whole my body. Stock is a kind of gambling, Buddhist's monk couldn't or even though to get involve with that.
Shame on you Laos PDR Buddhist Religion. You are in bad practice and now the world is seeing how bad Laos PDR Buddhist Monks are.
i saw Monk in Lao PDR buy stock Exchange in the center Trade. click web at www.manager.co.th/ and click Indochina then Click on Laos. you will see Monk
After I read Thai media wrote that Lao PDR Monk is buying stock, I feel numb a whole my body. Stock is a kind of gambling, Buddhist's monk couldn't or even though to get involve with that.
Shame on you Laos PDR Buddhist Religion. You are in bad practice and now the world is seeing how bad Laos PDR Buddhist Monks are.
before you jump the gun, make sure this is really a Lao Monk OK! As far as I know how can a Lao Buddhist Monk in Laos PDR or a majority of local Laotians know any thing about playing stocks, it so new in Laos. Even it's been in America for decades not as many people know how to play stocks!
It sounds like Thailand is trying to paint an ugly picture of Laos to scare away the tourists, cuz they are pretty enticed by how all this monks practice their daily Buddhist rituals in Laos!
i saw Monk in Lao PDR buy stock Exchange in the center Trade. click web at www.manager.co.th/ and click Indochina then Click on Laos. you will see Monk
After I read Thai media wrote that Lao PDR Monk is buying stock, I feel numb a whole my body. Stock is a kind of gambling, Buddhist's monk couldn't or even though to get involve with that.
Shame on you Laos PDR Buddhist Religion. You are in bad practice and now the world is seeing how bad Laos PDR Buddhist Monks are.
before you jump the gun, make sure this is really a Lao Monk OK! As far as I know how can a Lao Buddhist Monk in Laos PDR or a majority of local Laotians know any thing about playing stocks, it so new in Laos. Even it's been in America for decades not as many people know how to play stocks!
It sounds like Thailand is trying to paint an ugly picture of Laos to scare away the tourists, cuz they are pretty enticed by how all this monks practice their daily Buddhist rituals in Laos!
Wow Wow Wow !!!!! That's " SANDAN KHONG KHON LAO " always want to blame someone else. The incident is happen in Laos, not in Thailand or in the U.S. The truth is any Buddhist's monk can't go in that place, even in the bank. Even Monk can't open any bank account at all.
Oh! I forgot, Laos govt. is allowing Monk gamble and carry gun also. What kind of Buddhist???.
It is a COMUNIST ( coruption ) kind and is the only kind in Buddhist History! We the traditional kind does not practice this kind & will never!!!!
In the " Back Ground" said it was taken place in the bank. The monk might just do some favorite for their cousin maybe lived in the remote area. I don't think that is the Stock market or Casino. So anyway. This Monk is human being, come on? If you you want to blame, I think you should tell that to the Lao's Goverment say your law enforcement. Suck!!! Now why people love to come to America? Here is free of Speech and Equal opportunity. Fuk Communist Era...hahahahahaha
i saw Monk in Lao PDR buy stock Exchange in the center Trade. click web at www.manager.co.th/ and click Indochina then Click on Laos. you will see Monk
After I read Thai media wrote that Lao PDR Monk is buying stock, I feel numb a whole my body. Stock is a kind of gambling, Buddhist's monk couldn't or even though to get involve with that.
Shame on you Laos PDR Buddhist Religion. You are in bad practice and now the world is seeing how bad Laos PDR Buddhist Monks are.
before you jump the gun, make sure this is really a Lao Monk OK! As far as I know how can a Lao Buddhist Monk in Laos PDR or a majority of local Laotians know any thing about playing stocks, it so new in Laos. Even it's been in America for decades not as many people know how to play stocks!
It sounds like Thailand is trying to paint an ugly picture of Laos to scare away the tourists, cuz they are pretty enticed by how all this monks practice their daily Buddhist rituals in Laos!
Wow Wow Wow !!!!! That's " SANDAN KHONG KHON LAO " always want to blame someone else. The incident is happen in Laos, not in Thailand or in the U.S. The truth is any Buddhist's monk can't go in that place, even in the bank. Even Monk can't open any bank account at all.
HE LLOW! it can happen any where in the world that doesn't mean is the local who belong to that country, FOOL!
Why! Thai Monk can't travel across the Lao/Thai friendship brige to Laos? Maybe that Monk is hidding his money by deposit it in Laos Bank!!!!
Is so " SANDAN THAI POEPLE" not wanting to admit to any wrong doings!!!!!
Oh! I forgot, Laos govt. is allowing Monk gamble and carry gun also. What kind of Buddhist???.
It is a COMUNIST ( coruption ) kind and is the only kind in Buddhist History! We the traditional kind does not practice this kind & will never!!!!
In the " Back Ground" said it was taken place in the bank. The monk might just do some favorite for their cousin maybe lived in the remote area. I don't think that is the Stock market or Casino. So anyway. This Monk is human being, come on? If you you want to blame, I think you should tell that to the Lao's Goverment say your law enforcement. Suck!!! Now why people love to come to America? Here is free of Speech and Equal opportunity. Fuk Communist Era...hahahahahaha
This has nothing to do with the country's law! It has to do with Buddhist religion's law and that monk should have known better not to have a single " kip" in his posession let along even touch money. It is WRONG!!!!!!!!!
Oh! I forgot, Laos govt. is allowing Monk gamble and carry gun also. What kind of Buddhist???.
It is a COMUNIST ( coruption ) kind and is the only kind in Buddhist History! We the traditional kind does not practice this kind & will never!!!!
In the " Back Ground" said it was taken place in the bank. The monk might just do some favorite for their cousin maybe lived in the remote area. I don't think that is the Stock market or Casino. So anyway. This Monk is human being, come on? If you you want to blame, I think you should tell that to the Lao's Goverment say your law enforcement. Suck!!! Now why people love to come to America? Here is free of Speech and Equal opportunity. Fuk Communist Era...hahahahahaha
This has nothing to do with the country's law! It has to do with Buddhist religion's law and that monk should have known better not to have a single " kip" in his posession let along even touch money. It is WRONG!!!!!!!!!
You know everyone is "human being" The monk eat the same food everyone does. Is he? If we have to get to the points, hey why isn't the Lao's goverment came out with law and make all the bank No Bhuddist Monk to entrance to the bank peroid. Do you think you will see the monk at the bank anymore? Therefore, world is change people live with Cash flow....Almost likely money is the God.
True! that a monk is human being just like us. Lets not forget that the reason monks shave their heads , wear saffron robes, and stays in the Buddhist temple is to separate themselves from the ordinary temporal concerns of the world, and devotes himself to religion, monestery,and poverty. There for a monk does not have the need for money OK cuz in the temple evey things are free for him!!!!!
Please don't rush to jude, I saw and already read the whole thing. The f'king jurnalist have written about lao stock exchange grand opening, But matha f'kers put the picture of a monk who try to deposit the temple's money in the Bank. the picture of the monk and the Stock Market totally different f'king story.. these f'king writers tried to put down even a monk, never mind regular folks like you and me..
i saw Monk in Lao PDR buy stock Exchange in the center Trade. click web at www.manager.co.th/ and click Indochina then Click on Laos. you will see Monk
you saw the monk at the stock market in person or you see the picture on the F'king manager website ??? yes, i did see and read about it too. go back and read again !!! that was a bank, not the stock market. the monk was at the bank as you can see the tellers right there. aand i know what a stock market exchange look like, because i live clsed to the financial district in NY city... Don't try to put down the lao monk, this is not a thai monks that do everything right behind the curtain.... D'm U mathaf'kers...
Manager new Agency said Monk Lao PDR buy a stock at Lao commerce Bank . Monk Lao PDR bought a shares of Electricity du Lao. He want to get rich 5555555555555 i am understand Thai,English, French and Spanish. Writing reading speaking all perfectly i am Lao 100% live in U.S.A almost 32 years.
Manager new Agency said Monk Lao PDR buy a stock at Lao commerce Bank . Monk Lao PDR bought a shares of Electricity du Lao. He want to get rich 5555555555555 i am understand Thai,English, French and Spanish. Writing reading speaking all perfectly i am Lao 100% live in U.S.A almost 32 years.
Regardless of what really took place of it all, this does not look very trouble some to see any monk is of any race walking in the bank making a deposit wheather is for himself or for the temple. This should be handled by a lay person who is a treaserer for the temple!
Regardless of what really took place of it all, this does not look very trouble some to see any monk is of any race walking in the bank making a deposit wheather is for himself or for the temple. This should be handled by a lay person who is a treaserer for the temple!
That's right! Even in America the church didn't not have their priest making deposit at the bank for their church? What were they ( Buddhist Monk) thinking?!
Oh! I forgot, Laos govt. is allowing Monk gamble and carry gun also. What kind of Buddhist???.
It is a COMUNIST ( coruption ) kind and is the only kind in Buddhist History! We the traditional kind does not practice this kind & will never!!!!
In the " Back Ground" said it was taken place in the bank. The monk might just do some favorite for their cousin maybe lived in the remote area. I don't think that is the Stock market or Casino. So anyway. This Monk is human being, come on? If you you want to blame, I think you should tell that to the Lao's Goverment say your law enforcement. Suck!!! Now why people love to come to America? Here is free of Speech and Equal opportunity. Fuk Communist Era...hahahahahaha
ຄົນໃຕ້ : OK ທ່ານເວົ້າມີເຫດຜົນເລື້ອງ Human being Or Human right ແຕ່ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າກໍແປກໃຈທີ່ທ່ານຊ່າງ ເປັນຄົນທີ່ໂງ່ບໍ່ສົມກັບທ່ານທີ່ໄປອາໃສເປັນຂີ້ຂ້າຂອງ America ທ່ານກຳລັງດູຖູກປະເທດລາວທີ່ມີລະບອບປົກຄອງ ເປັນ Communist ແຕ່ກໍຍັງດີທີ່ທ່ານໄປເປັນ Second Peopleຂອງປະເທດອື່ນແລະທ່ານຍັງຈະພູມ ໃຈໃນຄວາມເປັນຂີ້ຂ້າຂອງຊາດອື່ນ. ຊ່າງເປັນຫນ້າສົງສານແທ້ໆ. ທີ່ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຢາກຈະເວົ້າຕໍ່ໄປກໍຄືຄຳວ່າ ພະສົງຊຶ່ງເປັນຜູ້ທີ່ເລີກແລ້ວຊຶ່ງຄວາມມີກິເຫຼດແລະຕັນຫາອື່ນໆ. ຊຶ່ງບໍ່ກ່ຽວກັບ ເລື່ອງ Human being ເພາະພະສົງເປັນຜູ້ທີ່ຕັດອອກຈາກຄວາມຢາກໄດ້,ຢາກມີ ຫຼືວ່າພະສົງຢູ່ອາເມລິກາ ເພີ່ນເອົາ ເມັຍໄດ້ບໍ ???? ພະສົງບໍ່ແມ່ນນັກທຸລະກິດຈະໄປຊື້ຮຸ້ນຫຼືທຳທຸລະການຕ່າງໆທີ່ກ່ຽວຂ້ອງກັບການເງິນຄຳຕ່າງໆແມ່ນບໍ່ ສົມຄວນແທ້ໆ.ແຕ່ເວົ້າເລື່ອງກົດຫມາຍມັນກໍບໍ່ຜິດດອກແຕ່ມັນຜິດກັບສິນຂອງພະສົງ. ຫຼືອາດຈະເປັນໄປຕາມຍຸກສະໃຫມກໍອາດເປັນໄດ້ ດັ່ງຄຳສຸພາສິດລາວເພີ່ນກ່າວໄວ້ວ່າ. "ຜູ້ຍິງຫາຜົວເຈົ້າຫົວຫາເງິນ"
my message to Lao Tai or Southern Lao: Lao in U.S.A not second citizen like you said. Only Lao carrie passport from Laos are second citizent work in restaurant 16 hrs a day or slave worker in Thailand
Please don't rush to jude, I saw and already read the whole thing. The f'king jurnalist have written about lao stock exchange grand opening, But matha f'kers put the picture of a monk who try to deposit the temple's money in the Bank. the picture of the monk and the Stock Market totally different f'king story.. these f'king writers tried to put down even a monk, never mind regular folks like you and me..
Hello Bro.SO.
Dept. of Lao Buddhist ( kaxuang Thammakarn ) has law that not allow Monk ( Khou-Bar ) carry money or even bring temple's money to make deposit in the bank either. Every Buddhist temple in Laos have a person that they call [ Salavath ] as a temple Banker.
Don't blame Thai journalist, blame that Monk, he was wrong place and wrong time.
This Bank ( in the pic-of Monk ) is inside Lao Stock exchange building that's why Thai journalist wrote Monk make deposit money to buy stock.
my message to Lao Tai or Southern Lao: Lao in U.S.A not second citizen like you said. Only Lao carrie passport from Laos are second citizent work in restaurant 16 hrs a day or slave worker in Thailand
Khontai : OK I do not care what ever you are! But as far as I know you are not fully American People. But what I want to tell all your guys to stop discridit your mother country. Lao is comminist country what wrong with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please don't rush to jude, I saw and already read the whole thing. The f'king jurnalist have written about lao stock exchange grand opening, But matha f'kers put the picture of a monk who try to deposit the temple's money in the Bank. the picture of the monk and the Stock Market totally different f'king story.. these f'king writers tried to put down even a monk, never mind regular folks like you and me..
Hello Bro.SO.
Dept. of Lao Buddhist ( kaxuang Thammakarn ) has law that not allow Monk ( Khou-Bar ) carry money or even bring temple's money to make deposit in the bank either. Every Buddhist temple in Laos have a person that they call [ Salavath ] as a temple Banker.
Don't blame Thai journalist, blame that Monk, he was wrong place and wrong time.
This Bank ( in the pic-of Monk ) is inside Lao Stock exchange building that's why Thai journalist wrote Monk make deposit money to buy stock.
Isn't Salavath? (ສາລາວັດ) is a MP ( military police). Why does a military police in charge of the temple's financial situation? This does not make any sense at all!
Please don't rush to jude, I saw and already read the whole thing. The f'king jurnalist have written about lao stock exchange grand opening, But matha f'kers put the picture of a monk who try to deposit the temple's money in the Bank. the picture of the monk and the Stock Market totally different f'king story.. these f'king writers tried to put down even a monk, never mind regular folks like you and me..
Hello Bro.SO.
Dept. of Lao Buddhist ( kaxuang Thammakarn ) has law that not allow Monk ( Khou-Bar ) carry money or even bring temple's money to make deposit in the bank either. Every Buddhist temple in Laos have a person that they call [ Salavath ] as a temple Banker.
Don't blame Thai journalist, blame that Monk, he was wrong place and wrong time.
This Bank ( in the pic-of Monk ) is inside Lao Stock exchange building that's why Thai journalist wrote Monk make deposit money to buy stock.
Hey hey, what's up bro ? Happy New Year ... The reason why i said, it was at the Bank, because i saw the letters in the background that say'' Thanakhan Haeng lat'' you see that !!! bro. In talat Hun, Should never use a words'' Thanakhan'' i know, because i'm living not that far from Finacial district in Manhattan NY city. and i know what is stock market screen or sign look like... Unless, laos doing it differently than the rest of the world. But still, when you see a monk at either Bank or Stock market, It' so wrong for Buddhist Karma... that hurt me a little...
my message to Lao Tai or Southern Lao: Lao in U.S.A not second citizen like you said. Only Lao carrie passport from Laos are second citizent work in restaurant 16 hrs a day or slave worker in Thailand
Khontai : OK I do not care what ever you are! But as far as I know you are not fully American People. But what I want to tell all your guys to stop discridit your mother country. Lao is comminist country what wrong with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Khonkang: Hi bro. khontai, you're right that you are considering that Lao people who live in the U.S. are not fully American people ( if you are talking about race or skin color, eyes, nose and hairs ) but, they are 100% American citizen. They have right and opportunity of freedom as same as American people, just color of skin, eyes, nose and hairs are not same the White People. Lao people in The U.S. are not different from Lao Esan in Thailand, thy are 100% Thai citizen.
How many Chinese, Vietnamese are Lao citizen in Laos PDR? Are they second class of Lao people? Do you know who's " PHONGSAVANH " owner of Bank and Lao Airlines, he's Chinese-Lao born. Is he second class Laotian? ( just one sample ) Can you answer my question?
i saw Monk in Lao PDR buy stock Exchange in the center Trade. click web at www.manager.co.th/ and click Indochina then Click on Laos. you will see Mon
You just believe everything that Thai people said?
Look at the picture that you mentioned carefully. The monk was filling up the form for normal banking can’t you see??.
Your brain has been washed by Thai media.
It's very good point that he/she brought this Thai's news up and post in Lao web-site, that's gave us knew more how Thai journalist or media are still trying to write bad about our country. Lao Buddhist monk shouldn't be in that place anyway if he respect his Buddhism faith or obey 227 commandments of Buddhist Monk.
You shouldn't called him/her as brain has been washed by Thai media. I, myself, give him/her 5 stars for brought up this Thai news to show all of us ( Lao people ) to see more how Thai people try to look bad on us. If I was you I'll say sorry to a person who posted this topic that you called him/her brain washer.