A lot depends on you where your interest lie, and what you have time to do whatever you choose, you must educate your self and watch your money. no one will look after your money like you. and i wonder wether Stocks, Mutual Funds, Commodities, Foreign Currency, or Real-estate is the best option for you... So, what about a Mutual Funds ??? Mutual Fund is very save and guaranty funds, It' doesn't matter if the market go up or go down, you still make a few Bucks out of it. Because Mutual Fund is a Guaranty fund... So if you're looking to make a quick-cash in next 6 month, you have to put in CD that invest in the stock, if the market doing good for the next few month, that mean you will make almost the same amount as you put it in there.. But if the market-Screw, that mean you will loose all the cash that you put it in there... So, the is Mutual Funds..... this my personal opinion, you don't have to follow it ....