I'm with you on this I only listen to Cells, Sook, Lang, Cream, and last but not least Aluna. I do not care for Thai Media period, I'm more into western . Lao girl abroad
Oh YEA! You must have very high Education to be talking like you did, Ithink low Educated person don't talk like you did, I think you need to look at your own back yard before you said something bad about other country Ok( SOB) Every time I vacation in pattaya,Puket, I saw hookers walking around all over the places,sheap sheap Kalee I don't want it ok, Afraid of Aid. and by the way your country Thailand still got along way to catchup with Singapore
Oh YEA! You must have very high Education to be talking like you did, Ithink low Educated person don't talk like you did, I think you need to look at your own back yard before you said something bad about other country Ok( SOB) Every time I vacation in pattaya,Puket, I saw hookers walking around all over the places,sheap sheap Kalee I don't want it ok, Afraid of Aid. and by the way your country Thailand still got along way to catchup with Singapore
we too, think the same as you ''Singaporean ok, The majorities of thai people like to look down on their surrounding neighbors. They alway think they better than Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. and there's no way they can think they're better than Malaysia, and Singapore, Not a lifetime baby..Loooooookkee at their politicains love to copy Western style of Govern. and their entertainment is completely copy from Japanese, Korean, so How dare they accused their neighbors copy them.What's soooo ambarussing to say that.
Buk num thai. buk sard ma .buk sandansuoa (when u was a baby yuor parent feed u whit excrement and trash). buk dump!!!!!!!!!!!!!dump!!!!!!!!!!! still u die.
If the Thai music is modernized then what about laos music? I don't see any problem with music, if you like the American music and you rock. Who care about what people like or don't like. Just Be yourself.
If the Thai music is modernized then what about laos music? I don't see any problem with music, if you like the American music and you rock. Who care about what people like or don't like. Just Be yourself.
You're too stupid to understand the point some of Lao people's trying to make about why we shouldn't promote Thai media if all posible.
Thai celeberties does not value our support or appreciate our patriatic for their media & their econimy on top of that they're still looking down upon Laotions.